Friday, June 29, 2012

Fancy Friday Love

HAPPY LAST FRIDAY OF JUNE! Can you believe we are now halfway through the year. Uhhh, yeah - six months are now behind us. Well, to distract ourselves from the speed at which life is flying past us, let's check out some loveliness from my past week of blog reading...

This gorgeous vintage inspired wedding, featured on Oh So Beautiful Paper, really set the tone for the pretty sunny Monday we had. I pinned pretty much every photo from the post to my own "Pretty Wedding Idea's" Pinboard...

via Oh So Beautiful Paper

The scale of this mirror, found via a life's design, makes my heart race. I think it is absolute perfection. 

via a life's design

I really enjoyed Holly's Ombre tutorial yesterday. We do have a paint sprayer laying around that we have not used in a loooong time. This may be a fun project to try out this summer?

via in the fun lane

I aspire to own a beach cottage in my life - seriously. Something like this lovely Nantucket Cottage, featured on a life's design, would suit me just fine!

via a life's design

Well, to be honest - we are currently getting ready to head back East today. In a few hours we'll be taking off and flying to Boston to spend the 4th of July with family, and later have Halle's first, first birthday party with B's family! We are so excited, and I'm even more excited to follow up that week long visit with me and Halle spending a week and a half with my family back in Toronto. Can't wait for all of the visits we have lined up with family and friends, and I know these next few weeks should provide me with a lot to share! What do you have planned for this final weekend of June (and long weekend for my fellow Canadians)?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Giving It All Away...

I must say, our little Halle girl is pretty lucky. She'll be getting two big birthday parties this year. One with B's family and friends in Massacusetts in July, and one with my family in Toronto in August... and  we may even do something with her, here in BC with the few friends we have made... we'll see. While B's Mom took care of planning Halle's party there, I'm busy pulling things together for her party in Toronto. 

I am so excited about it and have even started working on a couple small projects here that I will be transporting back to Toronto with me soon. My first project is to transform these...



I picked all six of them up at our local Value Village to adorn the table at her Puppy Themed party. She goes nuts over these little dogs right now and exclaims "UP!" (and sometimes we could swear she's saying "PUP!") every time she see's them. Yup, she's crazy for puppies! 

I also purchased this fabric from a while back when they had an "Animal Print Sale" on - it was perfect timing. 


I also found some pretty cute "Thank You" note cards at HomeSense a couple of weeks back, that will be perfect for after the party. I cleared out all four boxes that they had. Now, just for the invites!

I opted not to do a Puppy Themed invite, since I had a discount card from Shutterfly. So I used one of the photos we had of Halle & created an invite on their site. I ordered the invites back on June 3rd and they shipped out on June 5th. They weren't here by yesterday morning and I had a bit of a freak out and after Halle's morning nap we drove over to Michael's and I purchased all of the supplies I would need to make some new invites...


But of course, when we got home and I walked up to the front door I discovered that the mailman had come late yesterday, and of course my package from Shutterfly was waiting in our mailbox. Why wouldn't that happen? I'm so happy they made it on time, because look how precious they are (if I do say so myself...)


I also decided that since I had gone shopping, I would at least make use of one of the item's I picked up. So to just give a little hint of the party theme on the invite, I put a little paw print on the bottom left hand corner of each of the invites that I mailed out, and I think it looks pretty cute...


So, there you have it. The first peek at what I have up my sleeve for Halle's party. I'm excited to really get into all of the fun projects, and start putting things together.

Are you planning any parties or celebrations for this summer? Anything that you are excited about hosting? What would you do if you were planning a Puppy themed party?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Small Motivator

It's been painfully obvious that things are pretty slow going around here. With Halle on the verge of walking I've been soaking up every precious moment with her and we've been having a ton of fun. I'll be honest, I haven't even been the best housekeeper as of late. The last few days have got me feeling a tiny bit more motivated however, and the other night B and I got back to getting things up on the wall. Okay... but things I mean one thing, but at the end of the day it's better than nothing, right?

So what went up? Remember last month when I got to do a little treasure hunting around here? Well, that lovely round mirror finally found a home in our hallway. 


This one took a while to get up because at first I wasn't really too sure what I wanted to use to hang it. The mirror as a rope to hang it from, so we weren't going to be using any old picture hook. On Monday, Halle and I were out running some errands and I had popped into The Home Depot to pick up some spray paint for some small projects I am working on for her first birthday party, and I decided to look at their decorative hooks. I stood there for a while thinking over the pros and cons of each. I knew where in our hallway the mirror was going, and since it's a pretty high traffic area I didn't want anything that stuck too far off the wall. After quite a bit of time standing there I finally chose this hook for not only it's looks, but it's profile...


When I got home from Home Depot I doubled checked the spot on the wall wanted the mirror and I knew it would all be perfect. So when B got home we got started... and yes, I had to wait for him because it needed to be hung far too high for my short stature. 

The spot I picked for the mirror is the small wall that sit's between our laundry room and Halle's nursery...

{Yes, our walls are SCREAMING for us to hang things at this point}

I picked this spot because even though we do tend to get a lot of natural light in our home, the hallway can sometimes get a little dark. In this spot the mirror will actually reflect the light that comes in our bedroom windows into the hallway.

So, B did some measuring and making sure his marks were level, based on where I wanted the mirror to hang. Then, the anchors went into the wall and on went our pretty little hook.


B's confident on how well it's hung as he hit a stud when making the hole for our anchors. He inserted the anchor regardless since we want to be sure that, that mirror stays put. I'm sure it will.

I'm loving where it is hung, but now that it's there it seems to need something else. I'm thinking a small wooden table underneath. We mostly use the door from the garage into the laundry room when we go in and out, so a little table with a tray might be a good drop spot for keys and other small items. I just need to find the perfect tiny table...


What types of projects have you got up to recently? Any new things going up on your walls at home?

Monday, June 25, 2012

11 Months of Halle

Another weekend of not much going on on the decorating front. B was away with some friends from his softball team on a white water rafting trip. Halle and I just kept it low key at home running some errands and hanging out with a new friend. However, this past Saturday, Halle turned 11 months old. Yup... baby girl is one month away from a year. So hard to believe how quickly time is flying by. She really is changing and growing so quickly...

Halle - 11 Months

What's she up to these days? Maybe, what isn't she up to is a better question...

- Tooth 3 and 4 are on their way... FINALLY. We'd been teased for a while seeing white spots and then they would disappear, or a day of lots of drool and chewing and then nothing. Well, yesterday I noticed a white spot for sure on her top gum and today it looks like that tooth is finally starting to break through. We may have four teeth soon!

- Last week she started blowing kisses and it's so sweet! She just kind of holds the heel of her hand to her chin and flaps her hand over her mouth. She's still working on her aim though... she sometimes get's a finger in the eye.

- After close to 11 months, she is finally clear of her cradle cap. Poor baby had it forever and one day last week after her bath it all decided it was time to go. I felt almost like it was the last of her "baby-ness" leaving her... but seriously - good riddance!

- PICKY EATER ALERT! Suddenly she wants nothing! Well almost nothing. Most of what we give her ends up on the floor so at meal time we are stuck trying numerous thing before we have a winner. For example, last night we went through pasta and pea's before she ate some chicken... and oranges. Seriously. This morning we went through pears and grapes before she settled on some toast (and even some of that ended up on the floor). I'm getting close to my breaking point... I need to be sure she's eating healthy food and getting the nutrients that she needs - any suggestions for picky eaters?

- Despite not being a very good eater she is VERY good at using baby sign language to tell us "More" and "All Done"... that always makes me happy (until she then throws what we produce on the floor)

- She's been a furniture cruiser for a while and it's been fun to watch her confidence grow with time. She got really good at moving around and even transitioning from one piece of furniture to another (or to us). Then, early last week she started doing this thing where she would hold onto furniture with one hand and stick out her foot and kind of tap it around the floor, as if testing out walking. On Thursday, I took her to a kid friendly cafe that has a big play area for kids. After seeing a couple other kids running around, she held onto my hand and was walking around the play area - I was floored! When we got home she kept practicing holding one of my hands with one of hers and the next thing I knew she was standing in the kitchen balancing herself and took two small shaky steps forward, all on her own... no assistance. Yup, there were some proud Mama tears shed and a few phone calls and text messages sent to let people know.

For good measure, I had to throw in this gem from our little photo shoot on Saturday...

Halle 11 - Months

These are the types of photo's I need to look at when I'm trying to feed her and she is looking me in the face and defiantly throwing food on the floor... and then crying for more which also ends up on the floor and she won't eat anything. (HELP!) Hope you all had a good weekend... and hopefully I'll have some more exciting stuff to share with you soon...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Fancy Friday Love

Yup... my slump even carried over into blog reading. Things are so slow over here, but it's okay because I have just been enjoying Halle... and the few nice days we had this past week. Her and I lived it up and I was loving every second of being with her, because really - she is just growing far too quickly. I did squeeze in a bit of lurking around though - here's what I loved...

I am loving Joy's new limited edition line of baby clothes, over at Winter Water Factory. So cute...


I know you all love Sarah's Gallery Wall pieces as well - but I seriously love the new pieces she's added. These colour blocked paintings are my favourite! You love them too, admit it!

2012-06-21 15.17.11

I love everything about backyard weddings! They are so intimate and personalized, and not to mention they usually don't break the bank. I just loved the photos from this beautiful backyard wedding that were featured on The Sweetest Occasion yesterday...


Did you see the home that Holly flipped? Well, no words could properly capture the before and afters, so... Just go and check it out for yourself. Seriously. Go! NOW!

via in the fun lane

I cried a little bit (on the inside) when I saw this kitchen, and knew it wasn't mine. Seriously - that dining nook with the banquette seating is just to die for... and that's not all. So head on over to House of Turquoise to see more kitchen perfection...

via House of Turquoise

So, this weekend B has some stuff going on with his softball team. I plan on doing some more fun things for Halle that I know she will enjoy... and maybe finally tackling a project or two. I have one big one on my list that I really want to take care of. What fun things do you have planned for this final full weekend of June?

**side note: after some late night blog reading last night, I'm feeling inspired again and hope this means I am out of my slump. I also know I should have some fun and exciting things to share soon... fingers crossed my blogging groove is back! I've missed this! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Project Inspiration

Things have been pretty quiet around here on the decoration front. We haven't spent much time or money or projects recently, which has left me with very little to blog about. We did do a bit more exploring over the weekend, but I'm questioning if people want to be reading about our weekend day trips all the time. 

Even though we haven't been working away on stuff, I have been collecting some inspiration for projects that we do plan to tackle... especially for our master bedroom. I haven't shared any of the room with you, even though we have been adding to it slowly, and that's because there is not much to share at all. One item on our to-do list that I would like to get to sooner rather than later, is adding a headboard. We hemmed and hawed over what we wanted for a while. I did shopping both around here and online, but I never came up with anything that I loved. 

For a while I was pretty certain I wanted a wingback headboard... but I'm starting to realize, it doesn't really fit with the look I actually want. 

via pinterest

Next, I thought maybe we could just find a nice big piece of art to put over the bed... but really, we have a king size bed and huge wall space. It would probably cost us quite a lot to go that route, and that's not something that we are willing to do in a rental. 

via pinterest
{via pinterest}

Then, last week, it came to me during a late night Pinterest session...

via pinterest

I'm thinking I may try to use old Pallets, but if I can get my hand on some old barn board, I may try that as well. I'll have to see what is available to me out here for a decent price. I'm pretty excited about the whole thing and I'll have to find something special to add to it. A quote, or word or lyric or something. The wheels are turning, and I'm hoping I can at least get this whole thing rolling before the end of the month. *fingers crossed*

Is anyone else feeling in a bit of a creative slump recently? What do you do to get out of it? Or maybe you are working on a project of your own at the moment! Maybe hearing about other's projects will help me to get motivated again?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

That Special Man

What an important day today is. A day to celebrate the men that mean the most to us - father's, grandfather's, husbands. I feel so lucky today to have not only my father, but B and his father in my life...

How can I not start by thanking this incredible man in the photo below? My Dad. This photo (that B snapped) just melts my heart - seeing my Daddy with my own baby girl. I can attest to how lucky she is to have him as a Grandpa... because I, of course, feel so lucky to have him as my Dad. 


In my life, my father has always been the rock of our family. No matter how rough times get, my father always pulled through to provide for us. I've seen him be an absolute pillar of strength through my Mother's illnesses, and losing his own mother - the lady who raised him, and two other children, on her own. He is definitely the man who has given me my work ethic, and taught me that when you do something... do it right the first time. 

At the same time, he definitely knows how to let loose and have a good time. He worked hard, to make life more fun and enjoyable for all of us and I have so many memories of laughing and having a great time with my Dad. He works hard... but plays hard too! Dad - you have been such a great Husband, Father and now Grandfather. Both Mike and I have been lucky to have you as a role model, and if I don't say it enough, I love you and appreciate everything you do for me. You are the most selfless man I know.

Then, of course there is this man that I need to honour today...


Since the day B and I met in September of 2007, I knew that I loved him... I just never imagined I could love him more as I saw him be our father to our baby girl. Though he's always been thoughtful and caring, I've seen more of this shine through everyday when I see him playing with and caring for Halle. The way she squeals for her Dada when he comes home from work, and hearing them giggle together when they play fills me with more love than I ever thought possible. 

He really is the rock of our tiny family, and he works so hard to make everything we have possible. I could never put into words how much I appreciate all of the sacrifices he has made for our life to be what it is today. He seriously loves what he does... but I can tell not as much as he loves his family... and I don't mean just me and Halle. B is so dedicated to everyone he calls family, and that was one of the things I loved most about him when he first met. The way he talked about his parents and his sister showed me that he was someone who had deep family values... and that he was someone I could trust with my heart. To this day he has not let me down. Thank you B... for everything you do every single day. You are a great father and a wonderful man, who I am so lucky to call mine. I only hope to be able to show you every day how much you mean to me.

Lastly, I of course need to thank this man...


B's father, who has contributed so much to the man he is today. I know he has taught B a lot about being a loving husband and father - I can see it every time we are all together. He is a fabulous husband, father and grandfather, and we are all so lucky to have him. 

Yup... I'm a lucky lady to have these three fabulous men in my life. So today, I wish them, and all Father's a very Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fancy Friday Love

I have weeks where I swear I can work towards getting caught up on blogs again... and then suddenly stuff happens and I go days and days again without getting to sit down and do some reading. I won't complain, because those things that happen usually involve time with my gorgeous girl, but I do always love finding some lovely things in blog land as well...

How cute is this step stool that Holly refinished for her little girl. My favourite part has to be the words she added - I mean, isn't that thought on every Mom's mind as they watch their little one's grow and do things on their own?...

via in the fun lane

I was pretty thrilled to get an email from Lori this week, letting me know I had won her giveaway and will soon receive a copy of Happy Home, from Chronicle Books. I can hardly wait to dive into those pages - how fun does this book look? I will definitely share more with you once it arrives!

via Chronicle Books

A Fancy Friday Love, would just not be the same without a gorgeous kitchen, now would it? So, I just had to include this beauty, from Decor de Provence...

via decor de provence

At the top of my "Dream Vacation" list is a trip to Greece. It has been for ages now, and I hope that one day, B and I will vacation here together (alone... I imagine it will be a romantic and relaxing trip). I also daydream that we may stay somewhere as lovely as this summer home, featured on 79 ideas...

living-area via 79 ideas

Well, it's the weekend again and even though I am lucky enough to be home all week with Halle, I just love our weekends. Waking up and enjoying a slow Saturday or Sunday with B, having a yummy breakfast and enjoying our coffee - I couldn't ask for much more. This weekend should be extra fun! We'll be doing more exploring on Saturday, and of course Sunday will be B's first father's day! YAY! Can't wait to show him how thankful both Halle and I are to have him! Do you have anything special planned to honour the father's in your lives?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Upon Arrival

While I've been plugging along inside and making some good progress in our rental, sadly, we've left the outside feeling rather neglected. It really isn't the most inviting looking home from the outside, especially when so many of the other homes in our neighbourhood look so manicured. 

I won't scare you off with photos of the exterior of this place, but why not take a look at some of the things that are inspiring me to make our little place more pretty and homey for the time being. 

One of the first things that comes to mind when I think of sprucing up our front yard, is to add some pretty planters by the front door. They are the perfect way to add some colour, and when we are ready to move on from our rental, it can all come with us. It's a win-win situation. Something like these lattice planters, available at The Home Depot, would be perfect!


Or maybe something a little more simple that I could decorate as I please. I think that these Square Cedar Planters would be a great little project, and at only $31.61 each - they don't break the bank!


Aside from our planters, we have a small garden bed off to the right of our front door. It lies directly beneath our dining room window, and at the moment is empty... with the exception of some weeds. B and I have been discussing planting something in there to pretty it up a little and I'd like something that does well in the shade, and won't need a ton of attention from us. I'm leaning more towards a leafy plant that can add some colour, rather than flowers whose blooms can die off anyway. After flipping through a slideshow over on Better Homes and Gardens, the Coleus really jumped out at me...


I love the bright shade of green and red together! So bright and pretty, and no flowers required!

Then of course there is the obvious step - a seasonal wreath! Though I know that a floral wreath is pretty traditional for the summer months, I'm not much of a floral wreath type of lady. So when I spotted this lemon wreath on Pinterest... I was sold! After checking out this great how-to, I think this is a legit project that I would like to tackle soon...


I think this about does it... enough typing and time to start working! I'm feeling highly inspired to get things spruced up out front. Time to go out in search of supplies!

What are your best tips for prettying up the exterior of your rental? Have you been doing any of your own exterior projects recently? I must say... all of this talk about curb appeal, really has me missing our lovely little front porch back in Toronto...

Painted Door - July 2011

Yup... definitely feeling a little homesick for that tiny home every now and again....

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just Down the Road

This past Saturday started out like any old Saturday around here. Halle was up early, which meant joining us in our bed for some morning cuddles. When she tired of cuddles it was up and time to make some breakfast and just putter around the house for a bit. After Halle's morning nap though, I was just itching to get out. Though the sky looked pretty grey and dreary, I suggested to B that we take a trip to White Rock, as it's a little less than a half hour drive from our place. After a quick stop to buy Halle a new car seat and carrier, we were on our way. 

It was one of those days that just worked out perfectly. The sun was shining, the food we ate was delicious, we strolled at a leisurely pace and we were just able to soak up a whole lot of time together as a family. What more could we have asked for on a lovely June afternoon...

White Rock - June 9, 2012
{Our view from the patio at lunch...}

White Rock - June 9, 2012
{Halle enjoyed some Bananas on the patio}

White Rock - June 9, 2012

White Rock - June 9, 2012
{Clearly the tide was out}

White Rock - June 9, 2012

White Rock - June 9, 2012

White Rock - June 9, 2012

White Rock - June 9, 2012

White Rock - June 9, 2012
{My sweet baby girl}

White Rock - June 9, 2012
{Saying "Hi" to some people down below}

White Rock - June 9, 2012

White Rock - June 9, 2012

White Rock - June 9, 2012

White Rock - June 9, 2012
{Finished the day off with some yummy gelato... Halle enjoyed her Daddy's mint chocolate chip}

This is just a little peek at what we've been up too. We also went to a "Teddy Bear Picnic" on Sunday which had a lot of tents and booths set up for services in the community that are geared towards families, children and parents. Very cool! Yesterday was gorgeous so Halle and I enjoyed a trip to the park, and B even came and joined us during his lunch break. Was a nice little afternoon treat for all three of us! What fun things have you been up to recently? Any places you've paid a lovely visit to close to home? Or maybe you've been travelling further!?

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