Wednesday, January 19, 2011

... And Then I Saw...

Recently I've been scrounging for some really great nursery inspiration for our little peanuts room. I want to make sure I know what I really want before we go any further (we've already got our baby bedding - you can see that here if you missed it). During my research, I of course had to turn to my biggest design inspirations - Sarah Richardson.

Of course I love the room's she designs, but I'm also a big fan of her furniture. While checking out her website, I took the chance to look at her Zoe Nursery Chair (which sounds exactly like what I want... but I'm too scared to find out the price right now). Have you seen what fabric it's covered in, on her website?

YEAH! It's my Robert Allen Fabric that I plan to use in our Master Bedroom! Don't you just love when you make a decision, and a designer does something (or has something in their portfolio) that just confirms that decision for you? It almost has me thinking that if we have a girl I'd love to do a chair in this fabric for her room... decisions, decisions!

While I'm on the topic of chairs, I'd love to hear what chairs other Mommy's (or Mommy's-to-be) have bought for their nurseries. I'm definitely looking for something similar to this, all upholstered so it's cozy to sit back in, and I'm thinking I'd prefer a gliding motion to a rocking motion... but again, I'm open to hear what other Mom's liked and used! All suggestions are welcome!


  1. It is gorgeous! I had one of those ugly gliders...but at 3am it did the trick. So I would say lean toward gliding...

  2. I didn't have a glider. My Ikea tub chair worked fine, but I would definitely lean towards something like SR's style above!

  3. If you can afford to get a glider (space wise and financially) get one. I debated one for awhile and I must say, I'm glad I did it with little Oscar. It's soothing for him, but also for me late at night.

  4. i love that chair. I am always a sucker for the eames rocker!

  5. that is an amazing chair! love that fabric~ i have a just a rocking chair, but i will have to say i don't really use it. I think i might if it was soft and comfy like the one you have featured:)

  6. This chair is so cute. I adore Sarah Richardson! The colors on this chair are great! Don't have any advice on what mom's use, but I know you'll pick out a good one! (:

  7. pretty - interested in the price tag too! we simply have a wing back chair in the nursery... works just fine. we also have an eames rocker (repro) and while its nice for movement it doesn't give mom back/head support!

  8. I don't know anything about baby chairs, but I DO love that fabric!! It WOULD look great in a nursery!

  9. You have to spend some time in a glider and in a rocker and see which one works better for your frame. I started with a glider but had switched to a rocker by the third because it was more easily used with an ottoman. As for the fabric, just remember that babies are messy :) It sometimes works better to have something washable on the upholstery and really pretty curtains!

  10. Kerry,

    I am way past nursery chairs... you have nailed the fabric, it is gorgeous!!

    Come and join in my Gorgeous Giveaway from Blydesign!

    Art by Karena

  11. I'm getting a custom headboard made in that fabric for my birthday!!


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