Friday, June 10, 2011

A Good News Post...

I know - this seems a little odd. A second Friday post from me? Well.. there's good reason for it - so read on! As I mentioned earlier today this Sunday we'll be spending a little family time with my Mom and Dad. B and my Father will be taking in the Blue Jays vs. Red Sox game in the afternoon (part of my Dad's birthday gift), while my Mama and I sneak in some girly time. Afterwards, B and I will be taking the two of them out to dinner for a few reasons...

1) Also part of my Dad's birthday gift
2) A bit of an early Father's Day celebration for my Dad & B
3) To celebrate my Mom being FOUR YEARS cancer free! She just had her final visit to the Cancer Centre yesterday and I think that those were the sweetest words any of us had ever heard!

My Mom, Me and my Dad - July 2006 at my cousins wedding... only a few short weeks after her initial diagnosis...

I still remember every single second and every emotion that I felt through the whole thing. I remember the love and support from those around us. I remember the fear I felt, but the hope and knowledge that my Mom could battle through anything (including stage 4 cancer). I remember thinking how unfair this all was, but also understanding that people deal with this type of fear I remember being angry - so very, very angry - so many times that she had to face this... and I remember feeling guilty that I was so far away while my Mom battled. (I spent that summer living in Ottawa, and September 2006 - April 2007 was my final year of University).

I remember crying after getting off the phone with her on her birthday in March of 2007... the day she first started to lose her hair from her treatments. I remember having my best friend Taylor to lean on, and talk to and cry with... because her Mom had been diagnosed with cancer only 6 months before my mother had. I remember the paralyzing thought one day of "what if I lost my Mom?". I remember trying so very hard to be strong for her, because I knew that as strong as she was... that she needed to lean on us as well.

I remember that fantastic day in June of 2007 when we heard those beautiful words "Cancer Free". I remember taking part in the Relay for Life for a number of years, to not only honour her battle, but the battle of so many others we have known that have been touched by this awful disease...

In 2009 I participated in the event as a volunteer photographer...

Most of all, I remember, when I found out I was pregnant back in November, how elated I was that my Mom was a survivor and a fighter. I remember being so thrilled and so excited to tell her she would be a grandmother.

A few weeks ago, my Mom told me that she didn't understand why people always commented on how brave she was. She said it has nothing to do with being brave. That when you're told something like that, you really have no choice but to fight. But, as someone standing on the outside, someone who sometimes found it so hard to be brave when I wasn't even the one fighting the battle - she's still the bravest woman I know, and my hero.

{Me and Mom - September 2007}

Love you Mom!


  1. Four years cancer-free is something to celebrate! Enjoy~

  2. Beautiful post...indeed something to celebrate.

  3. Wow! So beautifully written, Kerry. How awesome. I'm so happy for your mom and your family! It definitely takes a brave and strong person to fight like that. I bet she's thrilled to have the peanut on her way! (:

  4. That really is amazing Kerry! I hope you guys have a lovely weekend! :)

  5. aw, tears. I'm so happy for you both. Hope your weekend is wonderful - x

  6. i wasn't sure i could actually read this, but i'm glad i did. i am so genuinely super thrilled and happy for your whole family b/c of this, especially with peanut on the way, but admittedly jealous.

    my dad's cancer (pancreatic) doesn't go away, so there's no hope of being cancer free. they don't even remove the masses b/c of it. i consider him a fighter even if he will always be in this battle. i hope always is a long time.

    have a wonderful weekend celebrating, and i'm so happy for you all!!

  7. SO SO beyond happy for your family and this great news - bravery doesn't even describe this situation. i hope you all have a happy weekend celebrating this victory :) xo

  8. Time to celebrate! That was a beautiful post Kerry. It made me tear up a bit :-)

  9. OH what WONDERFUL news. I was tearing up a bit too, and am sending you and your mom virtual high fives and hugs.

  10. Kerry, I remember that time for you and how you struggled in Ottawa. I know how much your Mother means to you so I'm very happy that you can all celebrate this wonderful day. Family is everything:)-Monica

  11. That is really fabulous news. I cried a little at work reading it - not just because of your mom's fight but because of her success and your obvious love and appreciation of her.

  12. Oh, Kerry, you bring this preggo girl to tears. I'm so happy for you and your mom and so happy to hear those words "cancer free". I want to give your mom a big hug and I don't even know her! Such incredible, incredible news.

    Enjoy your weekend together mama and grandma!

  13. This post almost made me cry and I'm not preggo-hormone-raging! Congratulations to you mom, what fantastic news to celebrate this weekend. Enjoy a lovely weekend of prep, and I hope the boys enjoy theirs as well. xo

  14. How fantastic, what a beautiful post, and yay for cancer free! Your mom sounds incredible. Have a great weekend with your family:)

  15. That is such wonderful news Kerry! Every day should be celebrated but milestones like that are a great reminder. I am so thrilled for your family that Peanut will get to enjoy time with her Grandma. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  16. So very happy for your mom and your family!! What a beautiful post, Kerry! Your mom must be so proud of YOU and thankful for such a wonderful daughter.

  17. Your mom is awesome 4 years cancer free!! What a survivor!! So happy for you and your lovely family :) xoxo

  18. Wow, that is fantastic. Happy for all of you, what wonderful news!


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