Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dream Home - Bringing it Home

Last week, we escaped to Oia, Santorini. Today, I'm going a little less Meditteranean and making it a little more local. I know it's not quite as fancy, and the views really can't compete, but I wanted to highlight how much the beautiful homes that I find can really differ. This house stands not to far from our own little Toronto casa. It's part of what I love about our area of the city. Small family homes, mixed in with some million dollar estates!

I must admit, from the outside this plaster and stucco home doesn't blow me away. It's more the interior that I love.. and the fact that it backs onto Lake Ontario. Not quite comparable to the sea views in Greece - but about as good as it get's here in the Big Smoke.

The living room looks like a perfect spot to kick back with family and throw on a movie or catch your favorite TV show. As a bonus, it's quite obvious from those glass paned doors that the views of the lake are just lovely.

I love that even though the TV is mounted over the fireplace, it doesn't become a focal point of the room. With all of the big lovely windows, and the pillars surrounding the fireplace your eyes are immediately drawn to other lovely features. Well done!

I may not be in the main cook in our twosome, but big kitchens are always on my checklist! I'd make some changes to this room, like the light fixture, but that commercial sized stainless steel fridge is a definite selling point for me. So.Much.Room (for B's delicious cooking).

I would also gladly wake in this bedroom every morning, with that little walk out deck to more views of the Lake. Yes Please! This room has so much potential to be whatever your little heart dreams, and what can beat that entire wall of windows?

Then of course, there is my favorite bit. The outdoor living and views of the lake. The pictures don't acurately capture quite how lovely this would all look in the middle of a gorgeous Toronto summer, but living close to this area of the lake, I'm well aware!

That back deck would be perfect for entertaining. A nice big stainless grill, some outdoor furniture and a fireplace! Perfect place to sit back and enjoy that view of the lake!

This could all be yours for only $1.9M! Check out the entire listing here. So how about it readers? Do you have a dream location that you would love to live in? Where do you want me to scout out beautiful, drool worthy homes? Or maybe just the right home for you! Leave me a comment or shoot me an email and I'll search out a home in your desired location!


  1. That deck is insane!! And the interior isn't that bad either...haha.

    I have always wanted to live in Hawaii. A pipe dream, I know, but I would love to see some beautiful homes there!

  2. Done and done - just for you Shannon! Will look for some beautiful Hawaii homes! :)

  3. what a view! gorgeous~ love the feel of this home!

  4. Is this for real?! Oh my goodness it's incredible!! When can I move in Kerry?! Hope you are having a fabulous week my lovely xoxo

  5. I'm dreaming of a vacation rental in Paris that is gorgeous AND affordable...or just gorgeous and I win the lottery!

  6. Oh wow.. what a beautiful home! So nice to meet you, have a wonderful weekend! xx


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