Friday, September 10, 2010

Fancy Friday Love

Happy Friday everyone! I know I've been a bad blogger this week - it's just been absolutely hectic around here! I promise lots of goodies coming in the next little while. For now, here's some Fancy for your Friday!

Kate Spade's new fragrance is out... and I love the email that popped into my inbox last Friday afternoon!

It's great right? I'm still a sucker for a good ad... and I'm also on the look out for a new "scent" (if you will). Based on the description the website provides, it sounds positively dreamy, and I'm ready to go check it out in person! I really don't think the timing could be any more perfect!

Keeping with Kate and new arrivals (so many of which I could feature in here... I was thinking of doing a full post on Kate love... but decided against it...), I am soooo in love with the Beantown Charlie!

Loving the tweed and buttons... especially for the fall! Also love that it's namesake is by far one of my favorite U.S. cities!

Of course, with Fall upon us I've been thinking boots for quite some time now! I've been browsing and spotted these on Aldo's website:

Love the look of this LILLER boot, and will be hunting for something similar... maybe take a look in Aldo to see what they look like up close and personal and make a decision from there.

How about Maggie's garage makeover??

It looks fantastic doesn't it? I love the bright yellow! You'll have to head on over to her blog though to see the before. I WISH our garage looked half as good as that!

I am in love and inspired by the beautiful autmumn decor shared by Centsational Girl this morning!

Unfortunately we don't have any trees with leaves as beautiful as those close to our home, but those pillar candles have inpired me for my very own DIY project. God she is so talented, and makes things seem so effortless! Love her!

Yes, the busy week kept me from finding too many fancy things to share! A fun weekend planned though! Lots of projects to fill the time, and hitting up a TIFF screening of "The Way" tomorrow afternoon! Sunday we'll be hosting my parents for dinner in honour of their 35th Anniversary which falls on Monday! Come back next week for a giveaway and a recap of a few projects we've been working on! Happy Weekend!


  1. Have an amazing time at your TIFF sound so posh! Ha ha.

    Can't wait to see your projects next week! Happy weekend!

  2. I love that yellow door/grey combo! So fresh.

    Have a great weekend!!

  3. Love those boots. Now I must go shoe shopping. Have a great weekend, Ker!

  4. love the boots, and of course anything kate spade! hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  5. Love, love, all!

    Can't wait to try the new fragrance.

    The tweed is to die for.

    And love the projects!!!

  6. That garage is fabulous. Grey and yellow is one of my very fave color combos!


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