Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome September!

As a child I was not a fan of September... for the most part anyway. Who wants to go back to school after a glorious summer of absolute freedom? I never looked forward to the first day back... ever!

With the continuous march of time, my outlook on the month of September has completely changed... especially this year. This September brings so much for me to look forward to!

September 12th: Our pillow eater Harley-boy will turn 1! No longer a puppy...

Eaten Pillow (from last night after he escaped from the Crate)...

Pillow eater...
September 13th: My wonderful parents will celebrate 35 glorious years of marriage! WOW!


September 20th: B and I will celebrate 3 years of dating. Can you believe it... only 3, and I've already owned a house with him for over a year. We must be nuts! 

The very first photo of us together - September 2007
September 25th: This one is quite a doozy! Not only will I turn 25 on the 25th (CHAMPAGNE BIRTHDAY!), but one of my closest girlfriends from University will get married on this day as well. It will be quite the celebration!

September 30th: This day will mark one year of me blogging!

Lots going on this lovely month of September! With so much to celebrate I figure there will be a few giveaways... but before I jump on that, I'd love some ideas! I already have a couple things up my sleeve, but since they are all about my readers, I'd love some input from you guys! What would you like to see, and I'll do my best to bring it for you!

Hope you're all looking forward to this month as much as I am!


  1. Wow! What a crazy month! Looking forward to see what's in store, giveaway-wise!

  2. That pillow fail happened last night? My goodness he went at it!

    Oh boy a champagne birthday!! And it's for your 25th, that is awesome {and possibly trouble!} My 25th is in December... booooo snowstorms ruin my b-day every year! lol

    I just want to say you and B are too cute {and not nuts!}

    Input huh? I would love to see some of the stuff you are doing in school, no matter how un-interesting you think it is, I want to see what you're dreaming up all day... so bring it!

  3. sounds like Sept is going to be such a fun month! love the pict of you guys!

  4. You've got a lot going on in September! Happy birthday to your pillow eater, happy anniversary to your parents, happy anniversary to you and your significant other, good luck with school, happy birthday to you (champagne for that campaign), and happy blogiversary as well! Whew! I'm exhausted just wishing all of that! ;)

  5. Thanks so much everyone! It's going to be a crazy (good) month! :)

  6. Your puppy is so cute, bad but cute! Busy month but sounds fun!
    Have a great day today!


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