Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mid Week Joy

My brain cannot comprehend that it is only Wednesday! Yesterday was absolute insanity... in a completely good way. The day started off pretty normal, with the exception of a bit of excitement for me to head back to classes. I headed into work as usual and made my way through the work day like I normally do.

Around 1:00 yesterday afternoon an email popped into my inbox, inviting me to the Nate Berkus Blogger Show next Tuesday in NYC. 

Wait, WHAT? NEXT TUESDAY!? The RSVP deadline was... YESTERDAY. Um, YUP! We're talking seriously short notice, right? I immediately tried to convince B that we should fly out early Tuesday morning together and spend the day in NYC to celebrate 3 years together in the city where we first met (Next Monday is our 3 year anniversary). He couldn't be sold on it, so eventually he just offered to pay for part of my plane ticket so that I could at least attend the taping. Fine I'd take it... and right away my RSVP went in for my lone ticket! (I totally would've spent more time trying to find a guest, but I was so anxious to get that RSVP in... I'm an emotional decision maker). 

Then I heard from a wonderful and long time girlfriend who currently lives in NYC, and offered me a bed. Sounds perfect, especially if I get to spend some time with her. So I'm anxiously awaiting my ticket confirmation so I can book my flights. I hope to head to NYC next Monday night and spend Tuesday in the city soaking it in before heading to the taping! It would be a great opportunity to meet so many other talented and fantastic bloggers, as well as provide all of you a taste of what it was like being at a Nate taping!

It seriously made my day... and I'll be sure to keep you all posted! *fingers crossed*

Make sure to come back this afternoon to check out a new post from B... and of course, don't forget to enter my giveaway this week! Head over here for details and a chance to win! This giveaway is open to everyone!


  1. SHUT UP!! You are the luckiest girl alive!! So many bloggers are going. You better be writing about it because I want to hear every detail!

  2. SOOOOO exciting! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. Thanks ladies! Just got confirmation of my ticket request and should be booking my flight soon! Can't wait to share the experience with everyone!

  4. So exciting! I am pumped for you! I feel your excited energy jumping out of the screen!!!

  5. No way! How exciting!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  6. what?? so fun!! that is awesome girly! do tell all:)

  7. Congrats ! You never know who will pop in one day and take notice. You and the rest of the bloggers who received invites deserve it !

  8. You are going to have so much fun :) Say hi to Nicole for me!!

  9. I'm so jealous! I got the email as well... but there's no way I can plan a trip to nyc with such short notice :(. You're going to have so much FUN!!


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