Friday, September 24, 2010

Fancy Friday Love - Champagne, Cupcakes & Sapphires

Tomorrow is a very special day! I will turn 25... on the 25th. Now, normally I like to make a bit of fuss about my birthday... but this one is particularly special to me! Not only will I turn a quarter of a century... but I will also do it ON the 25th, making it my long anticipated champagne birthday!

My girlfriend from University will also be getting married tomorrow, and being part of her wedding party means there will be no big bash planned in my honour. At least not for tomorrow. (I am hoping that B has something up his sleeve!)

Anywho... in honour of my champagne birthday (and my friends wedding), thought I'd put together a really pretty, celebratory post! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

Would love to be having my birthday dinner here with lots and lots of friends (and champagne of course!) (image from Oh Happy Day!)

The champagne would be served in the new Kate Spade twirl larabee dot fete mini saucers!

We'd munch on cupcakes with Sapphire Blue Crystal Sugar... (from here)

Flowers would line the tables in the Camelia Avenue Posey Vase from Kate Spade... in this brillant blue of course
I'd like to wear this j.mendel dress that was featured on {this is glamorous}. I'd probably even want those red shoes for a more daring pop of colour, in a sea of blue shades!
Maybe another year I can tackle my dream birthday bash? This year, I'll dance the night away in my dress with my hair and make-up done, with my friends. I'm really looking forward to it! I hope you all have an especially delightful weekend, and I promise, next week I'll be back to share more projects and fancy things (even my NYC/Nate Berkus recap)!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you have a great birthday weekend! Drag it out as long as you can (I know I did!!)

  2. Happy Birthday Kerry! Have an amazing time at the wedding and can't wait to hear your recap of your NYC travels next week!

  3. Happy birthday, Kerry!!! I hope you have a great birthday... make that a birthday month! I agree with the comment above, drag it out as long as you can ;) 25 is a good year :)


  4. Happy Birthday! Lift a glass and toast to 25 more happy years!

  5. Happy Birthday Kerry!! I hope that if you throw a "pretend" birthday like that some day that I will be invited ;) all the pics are wonderful, love the red shoes!

    Hope you have a wonderful day surrounded by family and friends, dance the night away!

  6. yay for 25 on the 25th! hope you have a wonderful b-day chick! have a great time at the wedding! and i am excited to hear about NYC!

  7. Hope you had an amazing birthday Kerry! Love ya.


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