Friday, September 30, 2011

Fancy Friday Love... & my Blogiversary!

Happy Friday and last day of September (where has time gone!?) I cannot believe that this little ol' blog here is 2 today! It's come a long way from the very first post I did two years ago - a lot more readers, a ton of progress on our tiny home and of course the addition of our little girl. Even better - I've met so many people and friends both online and in real life thanks to this here blog. I enjoy writing every single post and hearing from all of my readers and fellow bloggers! What a great community we have - so thank you to everyone who comes back every day to read what it is that I write... without you, I would not enjoy doing this as much as I do! I'm looking forward to seeing what this next year of blogging brings for me! 

Last Friday when I got back online and was catching up on things, I was excited to see my little DIY mobile for Halle's nursery was included in this little round-up over on babble. For real?

Nursery - July 10, 2011

I'm pretty sure that at some point, I will want to make a pretty ruffled teepee like this one, featured on ohdeedoh, for our Halle munchkin. Isn't it sweet?

via ohdeedoh

This post, on automatism, was so fun to stumble across on Tuesday! These collages of old and new movie stars are brilliant and fun. They had me thinking of the similarities of the mish-mashed stars too - don't you find them to be paired well on a few different levels?

 George Chamoun 4

Did you all see the beautiful orange and pink room, designed by Caitlin Creer!? So sweet! I'm totally into pink girls rooms now (after I did Halle's nursery, right?), and this room is one big reason why! How great is it?

via Caitlin Creer

This baby shower over on One Charming Party is absolutely divine! So timeless and classic, and all of the details are incredible! Check out both posts here and here.

via one charming party

My love affair with maps as decor continues with this coffee table (a DIY project) over on The Painted Hive. *Swoon*

via The Painted Hive

I'm blown away by these laser cut papel picado invitations featured on Oh So Beautiful Paper on Wednesday.

via oh so  beautiful paper

Check out this gorgeous kitchen renovation that Meg's husband worked on... and won an award for! The transformation is incredible!

via nutmeg and co

We have a dinner party planned for tomorrow night and I'm so looking forward to it! The guest list originally consisted of 6 other adults, but we're down to 4 now. In an exciting twist, our friends welcomed their baby girl early on Wednesday morning - almost an entire month early! From what we've been told, baby is doing great and weighed 5.1lbs. We're so happy and excited for them and can't wait to meet their tiny bambina! Other than our guests, I hope to make some more progress on our living room refresh. I know I was hoping to share an update this past week, but we've only just managed to start. Baby steps.

Next week watch for a few great guest posts! I have some newer bloggers dropping by to introduce themselves and their blogs to you! I love what they're all writing about and you will too! Halle and I will be busy preparing for my brother's wedding (on October 8th), visiting with my girlfriend from Ottawa and her little man and of course, spending LOTS of time with Grandma and Grandpa who are coming up to visit from Massachusetts! We can hardly wait. We'll be back the following week with some wedding pictures and other fun stuff! Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

One of a Kind Show Shop - Round 2!

The One of a Kind Shop is open for a second round (September 27 - October 10th), with a larger selection of fantastic buys! I must say, this little online shop is definitely getting me excited for the show in November. Here are my favourites this time...

Love these pinecone napkins! Perfect for a fall dinner party, or your Thanksgiving table! Even better - the set of 2 is only $20!


Looking for some new fall clothes? How about the pretty Dulce Dress for $100?


Looking to dress up your home instead? Loving this textile artwork. The colours are fantastic, and so is the $65 price tag!


Or if you're looking for a gift, this reversible fall floral necklace for $34 is a great option. So pretty!


What are you loving in the shop this time around? Will you be buying anything, or did you score something fabulous from the first shop

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

If I Could Do It Again...

What I'm referring to is Halle's nursery. It's not that I don't love it exactly as it turned out (I completely do), but I'm sure you other design fanatics understand that I just can't get enough of design, and as soon as one room is done, I could do it all over again just to try out something new. 

So, other week when I finally had the chance to browse through the October issue of House Beautiful, I fell in love with wallpaper. This handpainted wallpaper by Anya Larkin to be exact...

Casablanca Flourette

This gorgeous paper is called Casablanca, and the pattern and colours won me over immediately. I could see the nursery done in a similar colour story to what it is now, only with more coral instead of brown. So maybe I wouldn't need to do it all over again. Maybe we could just transition it into her big girl room (HA! As if we could afford this wallpaper, and then want to put it in a child's room!...Unlikely)?

We'll see what she's into when that time comes, but I can always day dream! Has anything caught your eye recently that has you itching to redecorate?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall Trends From InVu

We're well into the fall season now, and though the season always feels too short here, I love decorating and starting to cozy up our home for the colder months. The other week, I shared some Fall Trends from Style at Home. So, when I caught a glimpse of the Fall Trends from inVu, here in Toronto, I just knew that I had to share them with you as well!

Natural Eclectic
inVU Fall Trends 2011 Natural Eclectic

What I love most about this trend? Definitely the light and airy colours. I'm a fan of soft blues mixed with neutrals, and this one nails it right on the head. Definitely something I would consider for our own home.

inVU Fall Trends 2011 Carbon

The moodiness of this trend is great. But it's also glamourous and luxurious, combining that dark, rich blue with the golden yellow colour. I adore this. It may not be the right trend for our own home, but I can definitely appreciate it!

inVU Fall Trends 2011 Woodland

Similar to the "wood" trend from Style at Home, I am all in on this trend! What's not to love?

inVU Fall Trends 2011 Equinox

Equinox has that modern eclectic flare that Style at Home talked about in their trend report as well. The colours and patterns give off that global vibe, and I'm definitely feeling that light fixture and those vases!

Which trend do you love most!? Do any of these speak to you enough, and make you want to incorporate them into your own home? Well, if you're in the GTA and have some free time this Saturday, head on over to inVu's Mississauga location for their Decorate Your Home for Fall event. The event will happen from 11am - 12pm and 1pm - 2pm! If you love what you see here, or just want some tips on fall decorating, be sure to check it out!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend Recap

I don't often do weekend recap posts, but I felt one was needed after this past weekend. Yesterday was my 26th Birthday and the whole weekend felt like a pretty great celebration to me. Here's how it all went down...

On Friday morning, just as I was getting ready to head out for Halle's two month doctor's appointment, two turquoise boxes arrived at my front door. They were beautiful... and even more beautiful were the dozen mini cupcakes and half a dozen fudgey brownies, inside of them! They were sent by some lovely people at work...

Birthday CupcakesBirthday Brownies

At Halle's two month appointment she got her very first shot, which she did not enjoy. Thankfully, instead of making her fussy, it made her very sleepy and I got to spend my rainy Friday afternoon on the couch cuddling my sleepy baby, reading blogs and enjoying a tea! Bliss!

Saturday we woke to blue skies, and shortly after B headed out to his golf tournament, my girlfriend stopped by and we had a great afternoon strolling through the small street festival going on, catching up and having lunch. Halle was so good just hanging out in her stroller, and only fussed a little when we got home. She later fell asleep in my friends arms...

September 24, 2011September 24, 2011

The big day was just as great! The weather was beautiful and Halle had slept so well for us the night before. We got up pretty early and got ready for our day out. As B was whipping up some delicious pancakes for breakfast, my parents arrived to watch Halle for the day. They also brought my birthday gift... the lovely coat from my Fancy Friday post the other week! I adore it! After eating we headed out for my birthday football game in Buffalo....

September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

The Patriots may have totally embarrassed themselves, but I had a great day with B! It was our first date since Halle was born and I loved every single second of it! Overall, it was a great weekend and a perfect birthday! What could be better than getting to spend the weekend with the people I love the most!?

So that's my personal stuff over with for a while! Starting tomorrow we'll be back to design and decor related posts... and we're also finally getting some stuff done around here too, which is exciting!

What did you get up to over this first weekend of fall?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Two Months of Halle

Yup... another month has already passed and our tiny girl isn't quite as tiny as she was when she arrived. She's growing so quickly, and I don't even really realize it until I see how much she has changed from her One Month photo! Look at this munchkin...

Two Months

Not only is she growing but she's changing so quickly in other ways! Here's what she's up to recently...

- She's smiling at us... A LOT! She loves when we smile and talk to her and make sounds... which leads into this next one!
- She's started to imitate the sounds that we make! She coo's... but she also makes a hooting sound which B taught her. At first she would only do it when we did, but now she makes the sound at things she likes and when she meets new people too
- She's holding her head up pretty good on her own. She can't turn her head without it flopping, and her neck gets tired sometimes, but we're pretty close to a baby who can hold that head up high!
- When she's laying on her back she stretches her legs out and can push off, and move herself around! It's not on purpose (as far as I know), and she can get some pretty good distance!

We're having so much fun watching her grow and change and I cannot wait to see what changes this next month brings! 

A Different Kind of Fancy Friday Love

Happy Friday! Can you believe there is only one more week left in September? Time is flying past and the proof is that Halle is already 2 months old today! Definitely not my tiny newborn any more. So for those of you interested, I'll be back this afternoon with her 2 month photo... and some of what she's up to / enjoying these days 

So yes, it's Friday and I have some stuff to share, but not in my usual style. I've been offline all week so saying I'm behind in blog reading would be a massive understatement. Instead, there are just a few things that I wanted to fill you in on...

Recently, I shared my DIY artwork that I created for our bedroom with The Nest. This week, it was shared on their website as part of a DIY artwork slideshow. I know you've already seen what I've done - but why not head on over  and check out some other fabulous ideas by some truly talented bloggers?

Bedroom Artwork - July 2011

In other news, I made a huge decision this past week. I've dropped my business course for the term. It was going to be really interesting and I was excited about it, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was not the right time for me to be back in classes. Halle will only be this tiny once, and only for so long. I don't want my days at home with her filled with me being stressed out to get school work done. At the moment, she is my priority and I want it to remain that way. I'm not giving up on school, I'm just taking some time for us. I plan to go back in January, when I hope she's napping a little more regularly and going to sleep earlier... if not, at least it will be easier for B to help me out with her. 

On a higher note... Sunday is my 26th birthday, and I'm so looking forward to this weekend! Tomorrow a girlfriend of mine is coming over to spend some time with me and Halle. There is a street event going on nearby that we may check out (depending on weather) and we'll definitely be doing a lot of catching up. Then, on Sunday, my parents are watching Halle while B and I head over the border to check out the Bills and Patriots game in Buffalo! GO PATS! I'll be back on Monday with a little weekend recap, and next week I hope to share a ton more design stuff... so don't give up on me yet! 

What do you have planned for this weekend? Whatever it is... I hope it's great! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Designer Love - SFA Design

Happy Monday! What a fabulous weekend spent with some great girls, celebrating my soon to be sister-in-law (even though I already consider her a sister anyway...). Since I was away all weekend, with little to no time to jump on any projects here at home, I decided to share some designer inspiration with you on this Monday morning. Today's designer love is for SFA Design, who I discovered via this post on House of Turquoise last week.

sfa design via house of turquoise

The above space is perfection. In an ideal world, I'd like to try and get our living room more airy and beachy looking like this. The artwork in the background is absolutely stunning!

sfa design via house of turquoise2

Another great space - simple and uncluttered. That faux fireplace adds the perfect focal point to the room. I wouldn't mind curling up in one of those armchairs with my laptop and a cup of tea to do some blogging!

sfa design via house of turquoise3

I don't think much needs to be said about this space. We all know I'm a fan of round dining tables and the colours are perfect.

sfa design via house of turquoise4

What a great bedroom to kick back and relax in after a long day... or maybe even the most perfectly inviting guest room? Though I may have considered roman blinds for those windows?

sfa design via house of turquoise5

sfa design via house of turquoise6

These two spaces are fabulous. I can see a family gathering here for weekend breakfasts and uick week night dinners. Kids doing homework in that small seating area, while Mom makes dinner in the kitchen. I personally, would be happy sitting back on that couch on a Saturday morning while everyone else is still sleeping and enjoying a hot tea while flipping through my shelter mags, which are currently not getting much attention...

I love the beachy feel of each and every single one of these rooms. They're all so calming and laid back and I absolutely adore them. Which room do you love the most?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Best Risk I Ever Took

Allow me to take a personal moment today. Have you ever had an opportunity arise, where you just knew you had to follow it or would regret it forever? Well, 4 years ago that exact thing happened to me. I had the opportunity, to jump on a plane and make my first ever trip to New York City... solo... to meet someone I had never met before. He was someone who already made me smile and laugh... and trust like I never thought I could again...

{December 2008}

Four years ago today, my life changed forever - for the best. I met my best friend and the man I will love for the rest of my life. I wouldn't change a single thing about these past four years. We've travelled, we've laughed, we've grown together and we've worked so hard to be where we are today.

{August 2009}

Our first year, long distance, wasn't easy - but it was so worth it to have him here every day with me now, and I appreciate every sacrifice he has made to make this happen. 

{August 2009}

When I got on that plane four years ago, I never expected to find the love of my life. If you were to tell me then that within a year he would be moving to Canada, that seven months later we would sign on our first home, and just over two years after that we would welcome our tiny, precious daughter... I would think you were crazy...

{August 2011 - Photo by Bittersweet Photography}

Today I celebrate four years of loving the man who works hard to make our life together as beautiful as it is. The man who makes my DIY and renovation dreams come true. The man who loves and cares for me, and supports me in all of the decisions I make... and the best father I could ever ask for, for this precious little girl that I am so incredibly in love with. 

B, I am so lucky to have you in my life and I love you more every day. Thank you for always standing beside me. For loving me, and of course for putting me in my place when it's needed. Thank you for the wonderful four years we've spent together... I can't wait to see what this crazy thing called life has in store for us yet...

Monday, September 19, 2011

New Designer Picks - Manny Machado

Monday again! My weekend flew by, but it was so great and I hope you all enjoyed yours as well. I'll check back in later today with a little weekend recap for those that need to know a little about the bachelorette party and how Halle handled our first overnight separation. 

In the mean time, I have some wonderful shopping news for you. This morning HomeSav will be launching another Designer Picks event at 10:30am, and will run until this Friday. You'll have to check this one out.

The second designer taking part in this fun online shopping event is Toronto based designer Manny Machado.

Manny's Headshot

Manny's focus is on urban spaces, such as condo's and lofts, and even designs and sells a line of luxury Murphy beds that are custom made for each home. Very cool. For this event Manny has curated a variety of products that you'll need to be sure to head on over and check out. Everything from cool lounge chairs, botanical wall paper and other beautiful furniture! 

So make sure to head on over to check the sale out, and if you aren't already a member of HomeSav, be sure to sign up. They always have a ton of great deals on fabulous products, and you won't want to miss them! Happy Shopping!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fancy Friday Love

It's Friday once again, and this week just flew by over here. With Halle and I attending our first Mommy Connections class on Tuesday, me going back to class on Wednesday evening, and a trip out to my home town yesterday to catch up with another new Mommy that I went to high school with, it all seems a bit of a blur. Despite everything going on, I still found time to round up my favourites from this week...

Last Friday on a life's design, we got a look inside of a lovely lake house. Though every room was fabulous, I loved this idea in the kitchen. Pictures to cover cupboard doors!

Southern Living - Berard Home

This post, from Erin on Monday, got me positively giddy. A pretty girl-ified trailer, with not a single detail missed! Love it... and tell me if I'm crazy, but wouldn't it be so fun to re-do an old trailer like this to transform it into a little girls hang out? (Tucked safely into a backyard of course).

via house of turquoise5

Another great idea straight from Kate. DIY Cutting Boards... beautiful and a great gift option!

via centsational girl

A gorgeous room designed by Christina Sullivan Roughan of Roughan Interior Design, featured on theLENNOXX on Wednesday! Love!

Roughan Interior Design via theLENNOXX

Want to do a little something different for your wedding invites? How about these laser etched, wooden invites that were featured on Oh So Beautiful Paper this week?

via oh so beautiful paper

Can I please have this kitchen, that was on bliss blog, earlier this week? So cozy looking, don't you think?

via bliss blog

Well, another weekend is upon us and I must say I am extremely excited and a little nervous about what lay ahead. Tomorrow I'm off to a bachelorette party... over night... in Niagara Falls. So, for the first time since baby girl was born 8 weeks ago... I will be away from her over night. So I'm thrilled at the chance of being able to get away and enjoying a fabulous wine tour, yummy food and a fun night out with some great girls, but I'm nervous about leaving my Halle babe. I know B will be great with her, as long as she can be okay being away from me until Sunday morning. Wednesday night while I was at class did not go well. She spent 3.5 hours crying and refusing to take a bottle (which we have indeed mastered, she was just being fussy). Wish us luck... and don't forget to enjoy your weekend as well! Catch up with all of you lovelies on Monday!

Oh, and if you happened to miss my late post yesterday, please stop by and take a read! I'm looking for your help with my first assignment in my business practices course! A big huge thanks to those who have already taken the time to comment. Your feedback is so helpful... and beyond kind! I appreciate all of your help!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Class #5

It's hard to believe that I am already starting my fifth class towards earning my certificate in interior decorating. I only started the program in April of 2010, and I'm moving full steam ahead with only three classes left to complete (including the one I am currently enrolled in). 

Last night was my first night of my business practices class, and I am so looking forward to it. Through the course we will work on putting together our own business, as well as coming to better understand basic business practices as a decorator, including a lot of the legal know-how. 

Our very first assignment is to put together a mission and vision statement for our business. I've started myself to brainstorm what I'd like my business to be about, my focus, what I'd like my focus to be and what I want to be about. But, I also need your help my dear readers and friends!

I need to know what you think about me! What image have I conveyed of myself, even just through this little ol' blog? If you've met me - even better! This could be a dangerous thing for me to throw out there, but I'd love your input, and I'm sure it will be interesting to hear the different ways you've come to view me through my blogging and possibly our personal interactions!

I can't wait to share the process of me putting together a business with you! Should be an interesting journey! 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall 2011 Trends

The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting cooler, and Starbucks Pumpkin Spice latte is back. That can only mean one thing - Autumn is upon us. I know it technically doesn't start until later this month, but like most people, September signifies the start of the new season for me. Of course, the start of a new season means time to switch up some decor and cozy up your home for the chilly days that lay ahead.

Style at Home recently released their 2011 Fall Trends report, which has definitely provided me with some fabulous inspiration for our own home.

The trend that I loved most was Wood. It's the perfect natural element to add a great texture to your space and really warm it up. The other great thing about wood is that you easily mix different kinds of wood to get different textures in your space. Here are some ways I'd love to add wood into our home this fall...

These Ash Wood and Linen picture frames from Chapters/Indigo are beautiful. The two textures feel so warm to me, and the linen mat is so different from traditional matting. I particularly  like these frames for 5x7 photos, as we have 2 5x7 prints of Halle coming from our photographer. I think these frames with those photos would be a great addition to our front entrance (and the 20% off online is a great bonus!)

via chapters

Remember my garage sale chair that I purchased over a year ago? Well, B and I are talking about how it NEEDS to be recovered and removed from his garage and into the house. I love the idea of recovering it in this fabric by Thom Filicia for Kravet (and yes, I have blogged about it before, I just can't justify spending the money and have yet to find a look-for-less fabric that I like).


Style at Home is also talking about the new neutrals for this season, which include shades of Taupe, Sage and Lilac. As you know, I'm gearing up to refresh our living room, and while I'm not really leaning towards using Taupe or Lilac in that space, I am more than open to exploring some of those lovely shades of Sage...

Sage - via Style at Home

The third trend they are discussing is all about adding a bit of Modern Global flare into your space. Think natural textures, exotic textiles and culturally inspired pieces. The room below, from Style at Home is an example of Modern Global that works for me... 

modern-global-wall via Style at Home

West Elm is also doing a great job offering up some inspiration...

via West Elm

This wooden spice box is so lovely and a stylish way to store jewelry or other small items, to keep your space from looking cluttered.

via West Elm

I'd say these quilted pillows, made from saris, hit this trend right on the head... plus the colours are just gorgeous.

via West Elm

... and if you're going to add those beautiful pillows, why not include this gorgeous Kilim rug as well? So rich and warm, I think I'm in love!

So which trend are you loving most for this fall season? Are they any you are ready to jump on and add to your home?

Speaking of fall... I head back to classes tonight, and I am so looking forward to it! I'll be starting the business practice course, and I'm looking forward to all of the fun things I'll learn this term. I hope that I can be better about sharing the work that I do in this course.
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