Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Anxieties Aside...

B has been toiling away on our bathroom and making some great progress! I can't wait to share more with you tomorrow. It's looking fabulous, but by nature I am a worrier... and I have been worrying about how small our bathroom is. This is not even a valid thing to worry about, as there is nothing we can do to enlarge our space, so instead I hit up pinterest to remind myself that small can be beautiful as well...

via pinterest

apartment therapy via pinterest

via pinterest


The best part is that our bathroom is not anywhere near as tiny as these small, but functional spaces. Thank you pinterest, for making me feel better about our small space. I know it will turn our beautifully (not that I ever doubted that, really).

Do you have any really small, but functional spaces in your home? What do you do to make the space work better for you?

1 comment

  1. oh, pinterest, it's good for so many things. A small bathroom can be totally fabulous! Who needs a ton of space anyhow, there really is only one person in there at a time, right? Well, except for baby baths, but babies are tiny ;) hehe.


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