Thursday, January 6, 2011

The 2011 List

Yesterday I shared with you our 2010 list and what we did and didn't accomplish. With those behind us, B and I sat down and worked out a list of the things we not only want to accomplish in 2011, but also projects we believe we can handle with all of the changes that are coming our way this year. 

- Nursery
   - Let's start with the obvious shall we? With a wee one on the way, a nursery is a must! Putting a nursery together is so exciting for me, and will also spur on a new project

- Create a Proper Master Bedroom 
   - We'll FINALLY be moving and putting together our master bedroom! After almost a year of talking about it, it NEEDS to happen. Our older smaller room will become the nursery

- Add Half Glass Wall to Basement Shower
  - Our Bathroom is pretty much done, but right now the shower isn't really usable. Without any sort of wall around the shower area, water sprays everywhere when we turn it on. We'd like to solve this so we have a place to clean the dogs, let guests shower... and well, let me shower as I continue to grow in the belly area! The bench will be especially helpful as the months go by! 

- Finish Trim in Basement Bathroom

- Finish Trim and Paint in Basement Living Area

- Create Storage for Basement Living Area
   - We knew we needed to improve storage in our home when we first moved in, and in an attractive way. We did that last summer in the basement when we created a small closet under the basement stairs, as well the seating bench in the basement. Now we'd like to add some storage around the fireplace, both for ourselves... and for the baby toys that will soon invade our small home!

- Get Basement Seating Bench Cushion Covered
  - We bought the cushion back in July... and it's been sitting on my bench uncovered. I need to get on the search for the perfect fabric. My Mom already told me she would help me sew a cover, so I just need to get on this.

- Add Doors and Trim to my Craft Room / Office

- Get Proper Storage and Organize my Craft Room / Office
   - My Craft Room and Office may also be the laundry room, but it's going to be my place to be alone and work and be creative. It will also be a great space for me to be inspired and get my school work done. With that being said, I'm pushing myself to get this room cleaned up and organized before my classes start mid January... I'm hoping this will be the first item crossed off our 2011 list!

- Landscape Front and Backyard
   - We've already improved the curb appeal around here by building our new front entrance. It's definitely made the front yard look a lot better, but a little landscaping will help as well. The backyard is in much worse shape than the front, so we're also hoping to spend some time this spring prettying up the backyard as well... I know the neighbours that we share the yard with will greatly appreciate that! 

- Complete Closet in Front Entrance
   - Absolutely necessary! It's great that we have a space to hang coats right now, but we need to get that storage area complete. Come this summer, it will be a great place to keep a stroller, car seat, etc! Plus... I can't wait to get our pretty doors on there!

- Better Utilize Storage and Shelving in Kitchen
   - Our Kitchen is a great size and there are a lot of cupboards. Unfortunately, the actual space isn't utilized very well, so we don't have great storage or organization in there. This needs to be sorted out... especially if we'll need to be making room for bottles, baby dishes, etc.

- Finish Front Exterior Work
  - Complete Siding
  - Paint Front Door
  - Paint Aluminum Siding
  - Add Window Box and New House Number
  - Get New Mailbox up

- Renovate Second Floor Bathroom
   - We knew a second floor bathroom renovation was in the cards, and it's more necessary now that we have a little one on the way! We need to get a tub in on that floor, and once again, make better use of the space. We're hoping to tackle this one in the spring. 

- Put Up Railing on Main Floor and Basement Stairs
   - Safety, a place to put a baby gate. Enough said. 

- Finish Recovering my Garage Sale Chair
   - It's been a long time coming. So I need to get myself in gear and find the fabric and get moving. It helps that my Mom and Dad got me a staple gun we can attach to our air compressor for Christmas. Will be so helpful with my reupholstering projects!

- Get Our Personal Artwork Framed
   - B has a piece that his sister drew (that we'll share soon) and I have a piece as well, that we'd like to get professionally framed so that we can finally get our gallery wall put up in the basement. We have next to no artwork hanging in our home and we've lived here over a year and a half... we need to do something about this asap! 

Wish List Items: A few things we'd like to see happen around here, but we may not actually get around to...

- Build a new back deck
- Stucco the old brick on our home
- Paint the Garage Doors
- Finish Painting our Kitchen Cabinets White

We've put together another huge list for the new year, and I'm already motivated to get moving... largely because I'd like to finish a lot of these items before July! I'm also happy that it should give us a ton of content to share... and like I said yesterday, we plan to be a lot better with documenting every step as we take this place to the next level of Fancy...



  1. WOW! That's a busy year! And with the baby on the way, you don't even have 52 weeks!

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. lol... Kerry, you know not everything needs to be done this year :) our to do list is never ending... we tackle one big project (big money) project each year with a few little onoes spread over the course of the year. if we do that, we're feeling good.

  3. Thanks girls!

    @Wendy - we know it doesn't ALL need to be done, but a majority of it does! :) We'll definitely only do what we can handle!! Nursery and our bedroom our the major ones for sure haha! :)

  4. What a thorough list! I thought about publishing my list for 2011, but I know I would only get to about 25% of it. I may still share!

  5. @Shannon - it is a HUGE list. I'll be honest... I'm sure we won't get all of it done... but we'll sure as hell try! ;) You should share your list for sure - would love to see what you're hoping to accomplish!

  6. You will be one busy family. I have our original list from 2003/2004 when we bought our house. A lot got crossed off, but there is still so much more. Maybe this will motivate me.

  7. Quite the list Kerry - I cannot wait to see what you do, especially the nursery {eeeh hee hee!}

  8. YOU go girl!! This is quite the list!! Don't forget to fit in all the fun baby stuff too hehe you guys can do it, Kerry and can't wait to see a recap at the end of 2011! xo

  9. WHAAAAAT! A wee one on the way! Congratulations! How exciting! What a great start to the new year!

  10. can't wait to see what you come up with for the nursery! so exciting~ the to-do lists are never ending right?

  11. WHOA! I'm so out of the loop! Congrats, lady!


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