Wednesday, August 31, 2011

In A Little While...

Friends... I'm taking a little break today. I was putting together a giveaway post for today, but yesterday got a little out of hand. Halle and I ended up at the Dr's office and turns out our muchkin has a bit of an eye infection. Nothing serious, and our Dr said that it doesn't really give her any problems and should clear up in a week. However, I'm still feeling bad for our little girl. 

Afterwards, I made a run by our favourite butcher's to pick up dinner. B and I have been going there since it opened and have come to know the owner and his sister. I didn't see him when I arrived but his sister was in, and she was excited to see our little girl. However, I was taken aback when she told me that her brother was taken from us on July 8th - rather suddenly. I delivered the news to B right away and we were both feeling awful... needless to say, I wasn't in the mood to do much blogging - so my giveaway post will have to wait until next week.

I'll be back tomorrow with my post on my final chalkboard calendar. Enjoy your Wednesday... and this final day of August...


  1. That's horrible - about your butcher and Halle's infection.

    What butcher do you go to? I usually frequent Fresh from the Farm (on Donlands), but I'm always open to recommendations

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog and it's so great to discover a fellow Canuck (though I'm in Dubai for now). Looking forward to following along :)

  3. Sorry about little girl! Hope she feels better soon :)

  4. Oh no :( Sorry to hear about your little babe and your friend. Sending thoughts your way, Kerry! xoxo

  5. awww sad day :( Hope September brings fresh fun.

  6. Aww, Kerry, sorry to hear this was such a sucky day. I hope that little girl and her mama are feeling better! :) hugs.


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