Friday, August 20, 2010

Fancy Friday Love

Friday already? Weeks just seem to be flying by, and sadly summer is coming to an end. How do I know that? Well, The Ex started today in Toronto, and fellow Torontonians will understand - the Ex usually signifies that the end is nigh! So soak it up friends! Here are my fancy favorites from this past week...

Did you see Sarah's fantastic clock-to-mirror DIY project over at Hennessey House? She always has great projects, but this one has to be my favorite. It looks gorgeous hanging in her house. Go on over and check it out!

How sweet are these Bow Tie Pillowcases from ERLdesigns on Etsy? I'm not sure how practical they would be at all times, but I do think they look super cute. Maybe just instead of a sham? The best part is, for those of us willing to tackle it, I think it could be a really great DIY project!

While I'm on the topic of pillows, how sweet is this felt cushion made by Kerry over at A Tranquil Townhouse? Not only does she have a great name, but girl has some serious talent! I'm so glad she shared it in a post, it's definitely inspired me to give it a try for our home!

Love this skeleton key rubber stamp from norajane (found via WALLPAPER). I've been trying to collect old skeleton key's for a project I plan on doing, and this rubber stamp would be perfect to fill in some blanks. Can't be beat for $3.50! Along with rubber stamps norajane also sells some cute little pillows - worth the look!

This website, shared on This is Glamorous yesterday. I'm pretty sure the name of the blog does all of the speaking for me.

Not as many lovely things as I would've liked to share, mainly due to that horrible cold I had hanging around the first half of the week. Left me feeling gross and uninspired. Looking forward to moving on and attending a baby shower and yet another birthday celebration this Saturday, followed by an entire Sunday afternoon of softball! I hope you all enjoy your weekend! Happy Friday!!


  1. I really love those bow tie pillow cases! I might have to try that one day.

    I'm glad you're feeling better. Have an amazing weekend!

  2. the summer has really flown by! such fun stuff--love that pillow~ hope you have a wonderful weekend girly!

  3. Love that clock to mirror DIY!! I have to get myself to a value village and look for some old clocks to spray paint!


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