Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Time Has Come - Giveaway #1!!

Feeling a little bleery eyed this morning. Spent last night with my Mom, my sister-in-law-to-be and this man...

I'm sure you can imagine it was absolutely fantastic. Perfect girls night! Mr. Buble wasn't the only eye and ear candy though. His opening act was beyond incredible! Blew us away! I've never loved an opening act that much before and we were THRILLED to pick up their CD and meet them after the show. Truly talented! Right, enough rambling... onto the real matter at hand...

For quite a while now, I've been thinking about what to do for my very first blog giveaway. I mean, I've started to gather some really great regular readers, along with some other great people who are popping up here and there with such kind words. I knew I wanted to do something wonderful to thank you all for stopping by. If it wasn't for all of you, First Time Fancy would've died off a long time ago! 
Finally the perfect opportunity came up for my very first giveaway and I just couldn't wait to share it! I'm sure by now (since you read my blog) you're all familiar with the extremely talented Brittany from Pink Peacock Paperie. If not, allow me to introduce you to her. 

Pink Peacock Paperie is an instant download art store, where you are able to purchase a high quality JPEG file of one of the beautiful designs created by Brittany. Each print comes with a licence allowing you to print it up to three times. Any additional prints require you to purchase the extended print licence.
I'm a big fan of Brittany's work. Not only is she the one behind my beautiful blog design, but I also have two of her pieces of artwork hanging in my home!

The I *Heart* You hangs in our guest room, and Count Your Lucky Stars will soon hang in my own little office space. She's talented, right? Well, now THREE of my lucky readers will have the opportunity to add some of Brittany's beautiful work to their own home as well! Here's the deal!

1. You must be a follower of my blog to enter and win
2. Any reader from anywhere in the world can enter
3. Go take a gander at Brittany's work over at her shop and come back and leave a comment letting me know which one you'd like to see hanging in your home!
4. For extra entries blog or tweet about the giveaway (make sure you @FirstTimeFancy or come back and leave a comment with a link to your blog so that I know!)
5. Contest closes at 11:59pm (EST) Thursday, August 19th. Three winners will be chosen at random and announced on Friday, August 20th.
6. Each winner will receive a digital copy of the print of their choice. You will then be able have it printed wherever suits you best!

Be sure to check back on August 20th for the winners and another little announcement! Good luck and, of course, thanks for being such great readers!


  1. Woot WooT!!! :)
    Good Luck Everyone!!

  2. i tweeted about your contest. check me out (since i follow you) @misscmajor. lovely blog btw.

  3. i adore the "how sweet it is to be loved by you" print. it will look fantastic in my bachelorette pad downtown overlooking the lake and will be a sweet reminder of my boyfriend at his place uptown.

  4. Hi Kerry,

    I found your blog through Brittany's.

    I like the "Keep Calm and Carry On" in teal. I definitely need that in my room these days, to keep myself in check :) So much chaos going around me.

    I tweeted your giveaway (@Healthy_Coconut).

  5. first off--love Buble~ bet it was an amazing concert! and second how cute are these prints. I like the "i heart you" and i of course am a follower:)

  6. it is amazing to me how many people love michael buble in the blogworld! really! i saw him about 7 years ago with the tour for his first cd, and i actually met him backstage. i told him he sings effortlessly, he told me he loved my name. good times!

    that i heart you is super cute, and i just became an official follower. i had your blog in my reader already.


  7. ooh...i like the thank you one....

  8. Great first giveaway Kerry! I love the I Heart You Print!

  9. Awesome giveaway! I love the I Heart you print too like Shannon - ooh I hope that randomly chooses me!!

  10. I love the keep calm and carry on print! I also became a follower.



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