Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Casting Call Notice

The other day I received an email from Jennifer, a TV producer, casting for a new TV show that will be on the W Network. They are looking for "wacky, dynamic and fun extended families" with 3 seperate households that all need a little renovation help.

It sounds like a fun show and I was very happy to hear from Jennifer... I have sent my own submission for our family to be considered as partcipants! (I'll let you know how it goes). If you think you'd like to be on the show, please send me an email and I can forward along the details sent by Jennifer. Be sure to let me know if you're chosen! Would love to see some of my readers on TV!


  1. Going to assume you have to be in the GTA for this one...??

  2. Oh I hope you get it! That would be incredible!


  3. Wow that's an awesome opportunity! I will keep my fingers crossed for you :)

  4. Cool! Good luck! That would be the BEST!! Who would the three families be? You, parents and...??

  5. Thanks everyone - could be fun if we get the chance!

    @Shannon - the third family would be my brother and his fiance!


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