Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Making Decisions

The basement is still a work in progress. From little things like trim and flooring transition, to bigger decisions like what to do with our fireplace and how to tackle the decor, there is a lot going on in my head right now. One thing in particular I've been having a hard time committing to is the fabric that I would like to use for the seating bench that B put in (inspired by the one in Aubrey + Lindsay's kitchen!).

I knew I wanted something on the neutral side so that I could change up the look of the room with paint, throw pillows and other decor items pretty easily. I had seen so many nice colourful fabrics, but in the end I kept thinking I wouldn't want to have another cover sewn for the bench anytime soon (as I am sure my mother will also not want to sew more than one).

Finally, this past Sunday, as I was sitting back looking through some new issues of magazines, I stumbled across this ad for Thom Filicia for Kravet:

I loved the faux bois fabric immediately... I just wasn't set on the yellow! Thus, began my search. After a bit of digging, I found the same fabric in a different colour...

Yup! That's it! That's EXACTLY what I want to cover the seat bench cushion with. No doubt in my mind. This wasn't the only fabric in that ad that I fell for though. It's not exactly clear, but behind that ikat pillow, is one with flocks of birds flying all around. Lovely for some throw pillows in our basement, especially in the blue - don't you think?

Griffith.516 WILL be mine! Now just to find the right place in the city to buy it for a decent price!? I may also have to have a chat with some of my teachers this coming term about getting my hands on this lovely Kravet fabric.

In the meantime - any suggestions from my wonderful readers about picking up Kravet fabric for a good price? (I can ship to the US!) Or have you come across any fabrics that you just absolutely love right now? Spill!

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