Monday, August 9, 2010

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday Friends! We had a fantastic weekend here and I hope that all of the rest of you can say the same.

Friday evening I was thrilled to head out right after work and meet one of my best girl friends, along with a bunch of other lovely girls (and a couple guys), to head out for dinner and drinks to celebrate her 25th birthday. We enjoyed delicious food and drinks and great company. It's always fantastic to visit with her and I enjoyed absolutely every second of it!

Saturday morning we were up bright and early, initially with plans to pick up a dresser that someone had spotted on craigslist and shared. It wasn't too be (hopefully next weekend), so instead we busied ourselves getting ready to head out to a friends wedding north of the city. It was a nice, laid back reception and everyone had a great time. After all of the eating, we retreated to the bride's father's house where we hung out, drank, sat by the fire and camped in the yard. Perfect end to a lovely little summer wedding! Of course, I also have to say "Congrats Shane and Jess! B and I are so happy for the both of you!"

Sunday morning, B and I were the first ones up, greeted by lots of rain... which started to drip into the tent. Sleeping wasn't going to come back easily, so we got up, cleaned up all of the bottles spread around the yard, packed up our stuff and headed home. We stopped for breakfast on our way back, and then headed into the Chapters near us to peak at what they had. I ended up leaving with this...

Two sheets of each of these pretty papers...

The paper was too pretty to pass up. I know I don't have a specific project in mind at the moment, but with those patterns and 75% off, I had to have them. Just like all of the fabric I've collected... I know I will make use of them soon enough! The frame, on the other hand, I knew exactly what was going in it...

My print from Brittany from Pink Peacock Paperie (and My.Daily.Randomness). Brittany is also the genius behind my gorgeous blog design and this fancy little print that currently hangs in the guest bedroom. This one will have a home in our newly renovated basement... once the laundry room/my office is cleared out and finished off. Soon enough!

Lots more excitement coming of the course of the next week, but overall - a fantastic summer weekend. What kind of fun adventures did everyone else get up to?


  1. Oh I wish the dresser had been 'the one'...I haven't had time for CL today...I'm in withdrawal...

  2. Oh, it should still hopefully be ours! The guy was selling it for his wife before they move and she still needs it a little longer. He said he would email me over the next week to arrange a pick up! Hopefully I'll be posting about bringing that fantastic dresser home soon! Thanks again Shannon - you're a star!

  3. I would love to have a laid back wedding like that someday, everyone just hanging out by a fire... we'll see ;)

    Wow the print looks sooo good in that frame! I just got mine printed and it's still sitting on my desk, haven't had time to go frame shopping yet!


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