Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend Recap

I don't often do weekend recap posts, but I felt one was needed after this past weekend. Yesterday was my 26th Birthday and the whole weekend felt like a pretty great celebration to me. Here's how it all went down...

On Friday morning, just as I was getting ready to head out for Halle's two month doctor's appointment, two turquoise boxes arrived at my front door. They were beautiful... and even more beautiful were the dozen mini cupcakes and half a dozen fudgey brownies, inside of them! They were sent by some lovely people at work...

Birthday CupcakesBirthday Brownies

At Halle's two month appointment she got her very first shot, which she did not enjoy. Thankfully, instead of making her fussy, it made her very sleepy and I got to spend my rainy Friday afternoon on the couch cuddling my sleepy baby, reading blogs and enjoying a tea! Bliss!

Saturday we woke to blue skies, and shortly after B headed out to his golf tournament, my girlfriend stopped by and we had a great afternoon strolling through the small street festival going on, catching up and having lunch. Halle was so good just hanging out in her stroller, and only fussed a little when we got home. She later fell asleep in my friends arms...

September 24, 2011September 24, 2011

The big day was just as great! The weather was beautiful and Halle had slept so well for us the night before. We got up pretty early and got ready for our day out. As B was whipping up some delicious pancakes for breakfast, my parents arrived to watch Halle for the day. They also brought my birthday gift... the lovely coat from my Fancy Friday post the other week! I adore it! After eating we headed out for my birthday football game in Buffalo....

September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

The Patriots may have totally embarrassed themselves, but I had a great day with B! It was our first date since Halle was born and I loved every single second of it! Overall, it was a great weekend and a perfect birthday! What could be better than getting to spend the weekend with the people I love the most!?

So that's my personal stuff over with for a while! Starting tomorrow we'll be back to design and decor related posts... and we're also finally getting some stuff done around here too, which is exciting!

What did you get up to over this first weekend of fall?


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! it seems you did have a blast. Those goodies look so yummy

  2. Sounds like an awesome weekend and an awesome birthday!! Happy 26, Kerry!

    p.s. that beer is as big as your head!!

  3. happy birthday :) !!! oh, those cupcakes are amazing :)

  4. Happy Birthday!! I need to know where those blue boxes are from! Do tell please!

  5. Happy Birthday!! Sounds like you had a great birthday weekend.

  6. Sounds like a great birthday celebration! Love Halle's dress, too cute!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday Kerry! Hope 26 is a fabulous year for you and your family :) xoxo

  8. Totally love that you guys love New England from afar!


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