Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Had Enough!

Do any of you have those neighbours that drive you nuts? For one reason or another, they do something that just drives you absolutely crazy? Well... WE DO! Is this an appropriate place to gripe? Maybe not. But, as those of you who follow me on twitter may know, I was left speechless when I left my house earlier this morning to find THIS out front of their home...


And in our tiny neighbourhood... that's pretty close to being the front of our home as well. Oh right, and the public sidewalk. Awesome. For those of you not from Toronto, that black bin means garbage... and those carrier bags look mostly like paper. Someone needs to inform these people that paper carrier bags get closed up and put into the BLUE BIN for recycling. I know deep down that tonight when we return home this junk will still be there (or scattered along our street) because the garbage men, I'm sure, stared in shocked disbelief (much like I did this morning) and left it right where it was. It's not their job to clean up after these slobs!

Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to our issues with the house that is rented out next to us.

How about you? Anything (or anyone) in your neighbourhood that drives you absolutely insane?


  1. Oh that would make me INSANE. Environmental issues aside, it is just messy and in this weather, that stuff is forsure getting scattered all over the street. Gross.

    I have a neighbour who NEVER cleans his sidewalk. He actally cleans the snow from his little path, but then just leaves the sidewalk for the snow to turn to ice for me to slip on.

    He also sweeps the leaves off of his property and piles them on the street. UGH.

  2. Ugh, I feel ya lady! We have neighbors who blast their music every weekend. We live two doors down and can hear that words of the song when we are in our house, never mind the base. My husband called over the fence a few weeks ago asking them to please turn it down b/c he was trying to put our 15 month old son down. They turned it up and yelled "how's your kid sleeping now"? Yep classy.

  3. obviously someone with a shopping addiction as well. i wonder if you can call the city about it? there must be some sort of bylaw

  4. Uggghhh that sucks!! Especially with blah weather we have been having lately...

    I don't have any issues with my neighbours really... Well, my one neighbours likes to call his cat to come inside at godly hours of the morning... and sometimes said cat likes to crap in my garden....

  5. Ohhh don't get me started. Some days I wish we lived on a rural property with acres around us.

  6. Yup. City Life. We have noise and smoke issues over here (and we are detached!).

  7. There are a bunch of rental houses on my street so I feel your pain! I actually emailed in to the city last year to complain about the KNEE HIGH grass on 3 of my neighbours lawns. My boyfriend told me I'm the only 20-something who would ever complain about unmowed grass, but whatever!! We rent and our lawn in very well maintained. Gross front lawns are unsightly and brings the whole street down...

  8. we have a mutual driveway thats used as a parking pad and our grumpy neigbours always drive over our lawn........arggh.

  9. Unfortunately WE are the annoying neighbours right now. We have hedges that line the sidewalk and they reaaaallyyyy need trimmed. Badly. I'm sure people are talking.

  10. oh that is such a pain! my big gripe is less about neighbors and more about some van that drives by on garbage day and raids our recycling bin and then inevitably leaves a bunch of stuff on the ground. One day I will catch them in the act and go out there but until there I will remain significantly annoyed.

  11. Ok well they have good taste in clothing but honestly that's RUDE! I think I am one of those people who always wants to be a good neighbor and this is just plain rude. uggh

  12. Judging from your comments, it sounds like everyone has neighbour issues! We tend to have the type of neighbours who don't like to take care of their front yard - they just let the grass grow, never take out the weeds, let the newspapers accumulate on the front step and leave pieces of garbage out on their lawn. Take some ownership people!!!!

    And, can I just say, that it looks like your neighbours are huge Abercrombie and Fitch fans?? It was the first thing I noticed...haha

  13. ah jeez. that is so annoying! we have had some issues too!

  14. Ahh, my neighbour has this old beater Mercedes Land Cruiser type of car that he informs me is worth $$$ {it is a rusty old thing} and he has it sitting on his driveway, doing nothing. The kicker is he starts the bloody thing up and lets i run {noisy fan belt and all} and its diesel fumes come wafting into our house. I have complained to him many times and i think I have finally scared him! {He really is a sweet neighbour but that drives me insane} Oh and he mows part of our lawn, drives my territorial husband insane

    Good, got that off my chest. Good luck with your neighbour!

  15. I can handle a few bags on the sidewalk, what drives me nuts is his gutter falling off his house allowing all the water to pool up in between the houses. If it wasn't for me spreading all that concrete last fall we would have had a swimming pool in the basement.

    Don't forget about leaning shed of Pisa in the back yard or the shared fence being pulled down by their clothes line. Gotta love a slumlord!

  16. Neighbours down the road have had a pile of junk... mattresses, old computer screens, wood boards, etc out filling their driveway for a month now, getting rained on and looking HORRIBLE!!! If you've got a load to go to the dump then pretty please, just take it already!!

  17. ugh - terrible!! HOpefully they did a massive clean up and this is a one time result, not an ongoing issue!

  18. brutal! Someone needs to sweetly place them back on their front porch :)

  19. Ugh indeed!! We definitely have some not-so-awesome neighbours too. Hope they move out soon! haha

  20. Oh my, call the city, they should get a fine for that. We would here!

    We have a neighbor on the corner who cuts her grass but doesn't sweep so tehre is grass all over. Grrr!

  21. My neighbours like to smoke directly outside my front door. So the smoke blows into my apartment. Makes me want to kill them. That said, the garbage would be worse. :(


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