Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thinking Ahead...

I know, no home tour yet. I'm a tease. There has just been so much going on as of late, that I haven't had the time to tidy up, prep and get a good recent photo of every room in the home. Just give me some time. I just find that these summer days and months get so full of things going on, we have very little time to get things done that are on our ever growing "to-do" list. Don't you find? Lazy days of summer!? I think NOT!

Of course, despite these hectic days, I've allowed myself to steal some time to think about those crisp fall days that will be here before we know it . Yeah okay, so it's not quite August yet, but don't tell me you haven't started to think about Autumn yet? (I know I'm not the only one) Don't get me wrong, I love summer. The sunshine, the warm nights, beaches, BBQs, long weekends - all of it! There is just something about the fall though. Maybe it's that my birthday is right at the start of the lovely season, or maybe it's the colour of the leaves, sweaters, hot chocolate, pumpkin picking, watching football on Sunday with B, Thanksgiving... okay, you got me. I'm pretty sure Fall has to be my most favorite season!

Last year we hadn't been in the house for very long when Autumn rolled around, so we weren't really too focused on decorating for the season. This year, will be a whole different story...

Love this alternative to a traditional wreath. Can definitely be a pretty inexpensive option and could transition really well into the winter months as well!

Sticking with the natural elements, love the thought of using nuts as vase fillers around some pretty candles. Lining our mantel or on the table during a dinner party. So pretty, and once again, inexpensive.

Always loved window boxes. Not sure if we'd have anywhere to put one (maybe once we have a new front entrance?). This cute little planter filled with gourds is my favorite. Maybe I'll have to do some sort of variation of it with a lone standing planter?

This October, B's parents will be coming up to spend their second Canadian Thanksgiving with us. They will also be bringing with them some friends. I think some cute little placecard holders like these would be sweet on our Thanksgiving table. I'm particularly taken with the cinnamon sticks (which appears to have a placecard for one of our dogs...)

Love the idea of these printed linens from Martha! The How-to is available on her website as well. May have to give this one a try for some fancy placemats and napkins!

This is one of my own photos, snapped last October when we hosted our very first Thanksgiving. I loved using the little pumpkins as candle holders. It was really inexpensive and we composted them when their time was up. They were perfect on our Thanksgiving table.

So, go on and tell me I'm getting way ahead of myself. I promise, I'm not pulling out the decor - I'm simply just daydreaming about those days ahead (while enjoying summer of course).

Now, I want to know - am I the only one who's already started to think of what's to come?


  1. I have thought about Fall...but I don't like it! I'm a summer girl all the way! But I really love those printed linens...might have to give them a go!

  2. I'm with Shannon, I love the coziness of fall... just not yet! I'm soaking up as much sun and summer as possible.

    Great fall images though they almost (almost) make me wish for fall ;)

    p.s. happy to find another lovely, canadian blog. Looking forward to reading more.

    :) Christine

  3. i love the table settings, very creative - thanks


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