Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Excuse Our Absence...

I have a ton of content to share, but no time to share it! We spent a large portion of our weekend working away in the basement. More done than I could possibly share right now... I may just wait until the big reveal. We're speeding towards having a bunch of guests next week during our "staycation" (We can't WAIT!), and we are thrilled to show them what we've done! We're also having an open house on the 17th and have invited tons of family and friends to see the work we've done since we got the keys last July 17th!

For now, I'll leave you with a sneak peak of some of the work that's been done in the last little while (pictures care of B)... and I'll be back soon with some more exciting ones (hopefully)!

Basement stairs before - there were no risers in these bad boys...

Basement stairs after risers are in and new closet is framed and drywalled. Seating bench to the right, inspired by Aubrey + Lindsay's Kitchen seating bench!

One shower wall completed - late Friday night/early Saturday morning! Lots more completed since this photo was taken!

We're so thrilled with our progress, and I can't wait to share the finished product! Keep your eyes out. It will hopefully be coming VERY soon! Hope you all enjoyed a fantastic weekend, whether you were celebrating Canada or the US (we did both!)


  1. love the subway tiles in the shower!!

  2. Found your link over at Thrifty Little Blog. I love subway tile! I'm hoping to use some on my kitchen backsplash :) Love your blog too!

  3. These photos are such a tease! Can't wait to see ALL the renos in person!!!!


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