Thursday, July 14, 2011

Designer Love - Alexandra Angle

So... we've made it to week 40. Yup - due date is here and not a baby in sight. I know there is no need to be surprised, but a girl can always hope that a baby will come early. While I rest up and enjoy my last few days of life before baby, I have a wonderful designer to share today.

In particular, I want to share my love of the designer Alexandra Angle. The company was founded in 1999 by Alexandra and Eliot Angle and I love the beautiful rooms that they pull together. BUT, rather than rambling on about the things you can read online... I'll show you some of their stunning work to reinforce their talent!

fireisland kitchenfireisland bathroom2

fireisland bathroom

Love the neutral rooms above with their bright pops of colour. All three rooms come from the same project, and I adore those striped floors! I think it's great that they are carried into the different rooms, and that they make what could essentially be a "boring space" so fresh! The painted shelving adds to the fun, especially those bold red shelves in the kitchen!

I absolutely love this Cape Breton Home that was featured in the June 2009 issue of Canadian House and Home. I actually ripped out the full feature and saved it in one of my inspiration binders under "Beautiful Homes"...

capebreton living

First off, the views are stunning. Second, love the clean lines of that seating bench next to the fluid lines of those beautiful chairs. They make this island home feel just the right amount of modern, while still feeling like a cottage escape. The use of colour on that seating bench is perfect next to that view - I can imagine it would compliment the scenery at any time of day during absolutely any season!

capebreton kitchen

The kitchen gives the samel feel with it's extremely modern lighting fixtures over a traditional style dining table. The open shelving makes it feel a little more traditional, and also allows the home owners to put some seriously beautiful pieces on display.

capebreton bathroom

The bathroom is just minimal perfection. The colours are perfect for a view like that. There really isn't much else that needs to be said.

This Hollywood Hills home shows a completely different side of their design style, incorporating a lot more traditional style and warmer tones.

hollywoodhills living

hollywoodhills dining

Seriously traditional feeling rooms! A complete departure from those first two projects, no? Love the use of that bright and cheery yellow in the dining room... and of course, the round table!

hollywoodhills entry

This entryway is by far my favorite. It takes someone with true vision to see tiles like that and know how to make them work. And how about that door colour? The perfect pop of colour!

Those are just a few of my favorite rooms from a few of their projects. If you've fallen in love with their work as much as I have, head on over to check out their portfolio yourself. I'm sure you'll recognize at least a couple of their projects that have made their rounds in the blogosphere, and shelter mags. What are your thoughts on these diverse spaces?


  1. That bathtub with that view... I love it! Though I find the rest of the decorating a little sparse, almost. In that, perhaps, is the charm?

  2. Don't worry- baby girl will come before you know it:) I can't wait to hear the good news!!! This is a lovely portfolio- thanks for sharing!!

  3. Love the color combos in the first two pics!!! hahaha... waiting those last few days is the worst! Are you trying all of the home remedies to get things going???

  4. Love the use of stripes and colour in these spaces. I definitely need more of both in my life!

    Looking forward to pics of that new baby soon! Best wishes to all of you. :)

  5. What a great designer. Thanks for sharing! Hope the little lady arrives soon!


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