Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's Coming Along

Okay, so I finally have a little update on our garage sale chair... which still isn't done, but we are so close I can taste it! It's become one of those projects where I desperately want to finish it, but can't be bothered to finish it all at the same time. We all have them... right? Please tell someone else out there does this?

But yes, back to the chair. It's been sitting in our sunroom (which is once again leaking as our west coast rain has returned full force), mostly painted with the fabric cut and draped over the seats for quite a few weeks now. Back when my parents were visiting, I recruited my incredibly talented Mother to help me cut out the fabric pieces, and she was a saviour. What I am about to share with you was 100% her idea. I am sure other's would have done it this way, but I am not one of them. So here is what we did...

If you remember from my last post, I spent an insane amount of time pulling upholstery tacks from this chair, to carefully remove the old red fabric. I'm glad I took my time because each old piece of fabric came off perfectly, and I was left with great templates for my new fabric pieces. 

First, we took our brand new fabric and folded it in half. Then, we took the red fabric from the seat of the chair and folded it perfectly in half as well. We then lined up the two folded edges of both pieces of fabric like so...

September 24, 2012

Next we cut just outside the edge of the red fabric in order to get our perfect new piece of fabric.

September 24, 2012

It was really that simple - for the seat anyway. We started with that piece, as it was the largest. This left us with very little waste, and also helped us figure out how to line up the checks for the next two pieces we would be cutting. Since our new fabric was folded in half, we already had it worked out so the checks should line up perfectly once all of our pieces were cut and stapled to the chair. This would have been perfect - but of course the two pieces for the back rest were a little more tricky.

Our original plan was to continue matching up our folded edges. Unfortunately, if we did it that way for the two smaller pieces, it would've resulted in a considerable amount of wasted fabric. Instead, we played around with our two (smaller) pieces of fabric and how we folded the new fabric. It turned out, we could fold the new fabric in two spots and end up with the same repeat of the checks, running in the same direction so that our back and seat would line up nicely.

September 24, 2012

I don't know why, but I'm finding it a little hard to articulate our process in this post. I hope I have been clear enough, but if not, please feel free to ask any questions. I would happy to answer any specific questions, or to clarify on a certain point if anyone would like to know more. 

In the end, all of our new fabric fit perfectly and the lines matched up well. We have a problem with the checks on the back not being the same colour where they meet, but in the end, the lines match up so it still looks good. Here's our almost finished chair...

October 24, 2012

October 24, 2012

We are SO CLOSE! Seriously, so incredibly close and maybe this will be the weekend that we finally finish it up and put it to use in the house. 

Have you had any projects that just sit idle for way too long, even though you are dying to finish them? Anyone else having a lack of motivation on projects and blogging recently? Please tell me I am not the only one falling off the blogging radar. I do miss it... I just don't have anything worth writing about recently.


  1. Thinking about lining up checks is making my head spin, but I'm so glad you did it - it's going to look awesome! And yes, I have TONS of projects around the house that are almost done and that drive me crazy every time I look at them, yet not crazy enough to finish them apparently :)

  2. yes the whole design procrastination rings too true for me too. We just updated our entryway... I've been talking about doing it for two years... yikes. The chair is going to look great and it will be one of those things where you kick yourself for not having done it sooner because you like it so much.

  3. It's looking good! Really looking forward to the final reveal... Have a great weekend, Kerry!

  4. I loooove the buffalo check. KEEP GOING! It's gonna look so great when you're done!

  5. Oh, and by the way, I never procrastinate on a diy. Never ever. I have no idea what you're talking about. Ahem...

  6. Oh Kerry, I am right there with you (as you can tell from my lack of posts in the last while), I'm very uninspired, busy at work and unmotivated to get anything around here done...I'm in slump-town!

  7. can't wait for the chair reveal! The fabric looks so perfect :)

  8. Almost there, it looks great so far! Can't wait to see the reveal! :)


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