Friday, July 13, 2012

Fancy Friday Love

Well, there was a little less blog reading happening around here this week, as I spent a lot of it running around with Halle squeezing in as many visits as possible, while still trying to do some planning and prep for her party here next month. (The more I can do while I'm here, the better!). I did however find some really pretty and inspiring things - take a peek...

Another great nursery find on Apartment Therapy this week. Love this idea for making hot air balloons, using Chinese Lanterns! Isn't it genius and absolutely perfect?

via Apartment Therapy

A week hardly ever goes by where I do not find something to love over on House of Turquoise. This week, I fell in love with this post sharing a beautiful East Hampton home that belongs to designer Patricia Fisher. Just gorgeous!

Patricia Fisher Design via House of Turquoise

Besides beach houses, my other weakness has to be a beautiful neutral home. Crisp white. Something like this pretty place in Britain, from 79 ideas. However, I'm understanding more and more these days that white and small children have a hard time coexisting. For now, my white home shall remain only dream... 


Well, Halle & I are still visiting in my hometown this weekend. We have a ton of options for tomorrow, but Sunday we'll be going to a baby shower. We don't fly back to BC until Wednesday, and I have some more stuff to share early next week with all of you. We've been busy, busy and loving every second of it! What are you up to this lovely summer weekend?


  1. I want that bathroom! Of course, if I had it it probably would never be that clean again. : Great pics!


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