Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July! Alright, I know what you're thinking - "Hey! Canadian! How come you didn't do a special post on Canada Day, eh?". Um, good question. Possibly because it would interrupt my usual Fancy Friday Love post, and I'm a creature of habit - what can I say?

Anywho, I thought I'd so a little something special for the 4th of July for my American readers, but mainly for my main squeeze, B. He gave up a lot to come north of the border and start a life with me, and I know how much he desparately misses celebrating Independence Day with all of his family and friends. Since he means so much to me, I usually do what I can to make the 4th something special for him... here's a little of what I've whipped up in the past to celebrate...

In 2009, I used a Barefoot Contessa recipe, and whipped up this pretty flag cake for a little Canada Day / July 4th celebration that we held at my parents...

Flag Cake - July 2009

Last year I didn't go quite as big and elaborate, but instead we made some simple cupcakes and used the store bought icing and sprinkles that we'd picked up during a visit to the States.

July4 Cupcake

We also added a couple little pieces of decor that we had picked up at Target on the same trip.


I don't have a ton up my sleeve for this year - but I do hope to pull SOMETHING together for B (who is currently at work). We'll of course have some tasty treats and grill up something delicious - no fireworks this time.

What are your favorite traditions for Canada Day and/or Independence Day? Do you do the same thing every year, or make a tradition out of changing things up?

Oh and make sure to come back tomorrow! B and I got up to a very exciting project over the weekend that I can hardly wait to share with all of you! 


  1. You're so sweet and those treats look delish! We do the Canada Day festival thing every year and fun!

  2. the last summer my mom was alive and healthy we made the same cake when we were vacationing in Maine over the holiday weekend. Two days shy of a year later she passed away. I should start making that cake again to celebrate that womderful memory. B is lucky to have you. besides, us Canucks are the best!

  3. That is so sweet to do for your husband! Especially love the cake. The Barefoot Contessa are my go to cookbooks, I have them all.


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