Monday, March 28, 2011

The Nursery Fabric "Situation"

So, work is chugging along in the nursery. B and I spent some time last week and this past weekend working on the painting. Unfortunatley, because I decided to go with white and the walls were a rather warm colour, it's requiring quite a few coats. At this point, we figure we are one coat of white away from finishing the walls, and I still have to finish the baseboards and the door, but we're almost done (I'm SO sick of painting!).

With white going on the walls, you may be wondering what my plan is for colour in the room. I've decided to inject some colour using accessories, fabric and by repainting the red dresser that lived in the guest bedroom. My inspiration for these colours is coming from the fabric I've purchased for the nursery, and at this point I have two completely different fabrics.
A couple of weeks ago I made the trip to the Fabricland Home Decor store on Bloor Street in Toronto and ended up leaving with this fabric...

It was bright and fun, and I was loving the blues and greens that were in it. After sitting on it a few days, I started to fear that maybe it was more of an impulse fabric purchase. As crazy as it may sound, I was worried that it would look "too childish", and it just wasn't what I wanted for our little girls nursery. I wanted it to be pretty and calming... without being too babyish. I wanted her to be able to grow with the room.

So, last Friday I made a trip back to Fabricland to pick up some no sew hem tape for our bedroom curtains. While there I decided to look around for some fabric for the laundry room when I stumbled across this....

Unlike my first fabric, I didn't hesitate. I knew I loved it. I could see it in our little girls room and every other thing we needed just sort of fell into place in my head. I knew that B wouldn't be too impressed that I went out and bought MORE fabric for the nursery, but I also knew that I couldn't walk away (especially since it was 50% off for members only until the next day), so home it came.

From the moment I left the store I knew this was the right fabric. I was instantly excited to go home and work more on the nursery. I could see the once red dresser, being a fabulous turquoise, and started fantisizing of all of the other beautiful little touches that I could add! There's lots more to do before I share some actual photos, but we're hoping to be ready to share very soon!

So what's the verdict blogger friends!? What fabric would you have gone with? (Not that I'll change my mind... I just love hearing your opinions!)


  1. I really like both! I don't htink you could have gone wrong, but I do think #2 is more girly (without being too girly!).

  2. Ugh, we are going to need a few coats of white too. Oh well - our rooms are going to look great when they're done.

    And I would have gone with the second fabric too. I love how it kind of has an Ikat look to it and the turquoise colour is gorgeous!

  3. Oh I love both! I definitely agree that the second is timeless and will be well-suited for a while in her room! I hope you will still use the first fabric for a fun project - maybe in her play area, when that time comes around!

  4. Painters always insist on a primer when going white, and after trying to skip that step a few times myself, I understand your pain! Six coats later... I love the ikat style fabric you've chosen, it's soft and pretty, just like a wee baby girl -x

  5. Thanks ladies for the kind comments! :)

    @Chanele - I will most definitely use Fabric #1 in another project at some point. Right now we don't have much room to give her, her own play space, but maybe in the future

    @Anne-Marie - Our big mistake was only one coat of primer over warm toned walls. We definitely should've gone for two! I can't even look at a paint brush or roller at the moment! ;)

  6. I really like both but agree that the second one will grow more with you little peanut- can't wait to see it!!

  7. I like them both but gravitate more towards the second one for sure. Love it!

    Great finds at Fabricland - I find that store hit and miss sometimes and this is definitely a hit!

  8. Kerry always listen to your gut instinct!! I love the second fabric, great choice :) can't wait to see more.

  9. I really like the second fabric! Sometimes it takes time to find that perfect thing that completes the room!

  10. The first fabric is lovely, but I really love the ikat-ish one!! It will look so awesome in a nursery!

  11. I can't wait to see it all together. It's just so exciting! The second one is amazing...kinda like an Ikat (: LOVE.

  12. Yes, that fabric is fabulous! How come our Fabricland doesn't carry fabric like that?

    I just painted my daughter's side table a light turquoisey blue, looks awesome. Your dresser would be fantastic in turquoise!

  13. Fabricland, huh? I'll have to check our local store again, 'cuz last time I went to Fabricland, I was sorely disappointed. But you scored TWO good finds!


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