Friday, July 26, 2013

Fancy Friday Love

What a crazy week. Halle turned two, and my focus has turned from her party/birthday and back towards wedding and honeymoon planning. It is less than a month until we say "I Do", and I can't believe it. Still lots to do, so in the meantime, check out what I loved recently...

I'm loving this fresh bathroom renovation that Vanessa did for a client! Everything is beautiful, and it's nice to see a space that isn't all marble and subway tile (don't get me wrong, I love 'em, but it's nice to see something different once in a while). She's really inspired me to open up our own shower stall (when we have money to put towards a reno of course). 

via vanessa francis design

How about this gorgeous Nordic minimalist home (located in the South of France) shared on automatism. I'm loving it, especially the front entry...

via automatism

I think I find a new dream kitchen online every week (if not every day). This past week, this one was a top contender (found on House of Turquoise). (I must add, I saw benches identical to those chairs at HomeSense yesterday and instantly fell in love. Wanted to take it home for our kitchen dining nook, but all money is going into our wedding and honeymoon fund at the moment! *sobs*)

via house of turquoise

This girls room, featured on Made by Girl, has made me decide it is time to get back on board with finishing Halle's room. It could be so much better than it is right now. Time for me to get to work.

via made by girl

Did you see the trailer that Danielle's Mom revamped? B and I keep talking about wanting to take Halle camping... and I think doing some camping in that trailer would be totally awesome. Don't you?

Trailer Revamp via Danielle Oakey

So, this weekend we're sticking close to home. May hit a few garage sales, have some friends over, maybe visit a festival or two. Generally just enjoy this gorgeous hot, sunny summer we are getting... before the rain returns! What are you up to this weekend?

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