Friday, July 5, 2013

Fancy Friday Love

Happy Friday & Happy July! I hope all of my American friends & readers had a wonderful 4th of July yesterday. The weekend is here, and it's time to kick back and enjoy the summer. How about a little inspiration from blog land for you to soak up to start things off right?

Did you catch Layla & Kevin's half bath reveal over on The Lettered Cottage? Every single detail is perfection! 


I am dying over this gorgeous kitchen that was on desire to inspire on Sunday. B talks all the time about opening up our kitchen when we eventually renovate (way down the line). I've been totally against the idea because we would lose a lot of our uppers... but then I see a kitchen like this and think "YEAH!". We'd probably have to get rid of a lot of stuff though... or get really creative with storage....

trevor tondro via desire to inspire

What a gorgeous home from Decor de Provence. I love the simplicity of it. One thing I can't figure out is, if I love simple, minimalist interiors so much... why do I have such a hard time achieving the look? It's not like I have a hard time parting with things... seriously!?

via decor de provence

Loved this sweet nursery and newborn session that was featured on On To Baby on Wednesday. I'm definitely a sucker for vintage in a nursery!


If you follow First Time Fancy on Facebook, then you would've seen I've tried whipping up this "ice cream" (I use quotes because we all know it's not ice cream at all... more like gelato maybe?) from banana's. I used this post from The Swell Life as my guide the first time, and I am officially IN LOVE! I've made it with a little peanut butter and cocoa powder thrown in, and next I think I'll try it with just a little vanilla extract. Have you made this before, or tried your hand at REAL ice cream?


How pretty is this DIY painted table cloth from The Lovely Cupboard? Hmmm - should I really add another project to our never ending list? Probably not. Will I anyway? Probably!

via the lovely cupboard

With my office coming along so nicely, and me finally starting to uncover all of my stuff, Halle Handmade has officially reopened! Pop into the shop to see what's good!

Etsy Banner

It was so nice to have a short week and I'm looking forward to having B home with us again for another weekend. Not too much planned for this weekend - hopefully getting a few more things crossed of our to-do list. We have a lot we'd like to accomplish before Halle's birthday party in two weeks... our house is still in a state of chaos and I'd like it to be a bit more organized before people start to see it for the first time. What do you have planned for this lovely July weekend?

By the way - I'm still trying to get used to Bloglovin' (you can follow me on there if you are looking for a new reader) - not sure how I feel about having to click over to every single post. Will I get used to this? I loved having everything in Google Reader and only clicking over on my own terms - you know? What reader are you using these days? 


  1. I just imported my feed to Feedly. Have yet to totally figure it out, but it is similar to Google Reader!

  2. I went with Feedly too - I'ts very much like Google Reader.

    I read you post in my feed, and hit 'preview' when I wanted to comment - it opened up a smaller window for me to do so - simple :)


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