Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Little Orphan Aggie - Guest Bedroom Inspiration

Happy Tuesday readers! Today I'm running around preparing for our next guests who will be coming to stay with us tomorrow. Thankfully, I have some really great bloggers lined up to help out with content. Today, Linds from Little Orphan Aggie is stopping by with some guest bedroom inspiration. I don't think I could thank her enough for helping me out, as she was a very busy girl getting ready for her own wedding which happened this past Saturday! I'm not joking! So a big congrats to this beautiful gal and her brand new hubby! Really, could this girl be any more thoughtful? Check out what Linds has to share with you...

Hello First Time Fancy readers!  My name is Linds and my blog, Little Orphan Aggie, is where I've been sharing the details on our home renovations and, more recently, our wedding. 

At our house we've only tackled the main floor so far, so while I don't have my own guest room to show you, I thought I'd share some inspiration for when we finally do get to working on one.  Our home is a two and a half story brick house so our third floor loft is one with slanted ceilings like those in these pictures.

I love the light, calm, airy feel this room has, and look at the use of space - 4 beds!  I love the idea of adding curtains for added privacy as well...

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I would love to be able to create a loft space like this, I think simplicity can go a long way in a guest room.  The less there is going on, the more your guests can relax.

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This is a picture of a child's room, but I love the raw wood ceilings, they add so much warmth to what can easily end up feeling cold, dark and "attick-ish"

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And this is just pure awesomeness...a loft permanently set up as one big tent/luxury camping trip!?  Now that is my idea of a great guest room.  I would be over the moon if I was a guest in a room like this!

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After looking at all of these pictures I started thinking about how I like to prepare for overnight guests:

One thing I have to do before I have guests, and this may seem obvious but I'm sure we've all been a guest somewhere where things looked less than fresh and it does leave an impression, is clean.  It doesn't even have to be a major clean if you're short on time, but the bathroom and kitchen, and of course the room your guests will be staying in, are a must for me.  A sparkling tub, toilet and sink and some fresh sheets can go a long way!

I also like to have everything as prepared in advance as I can. So new sheets and a cleanly made bed before the guests arrive is important. That way when they are tired and ready to sleep, they don't feel obligated to help you make the bed as they watch you scramble last minute.

Try to have some of your guests favourite foods available, whether it's a favourite meal you can serve, or just some yummy treats you know they like.  It shows you put some extra thought towards their arrival.

This obviously isn't what I do, since I don't have a "guest room", but having been a guest at other peoples houses, it is something I would appreciate.  As an early riser (or even for night owls) it's sometimes uncomfortable if your host is still sleeping and you're laying there in bed wondering what do you do until they wake up?  Having a tv and maybe some reading material available in the room if possible gives your guests a way to occupy their time.

So there's some of my thoughts and inspiration on guest rooms!  Thanks again for having me over Kerry, enjoy your time with your guests!!

Thank you Linds for being such a HUGE help! I loved all of your inspiration photos - they area all such cozy and welcoming nooks, that I am sure any guest would be happy to stay in!  Come back tomorrow, I have another blogger dropping by, sharing how she spruced up her own guest room by shopping her home!


  1. That last photo is DIVINE. Could you imagine that space in your own home? Hope you're well love :) xoxo

  2. Thanks for having me over Kerry! Enjoy your time with your next house guests :)

  3. These photos are AMAZING!! Especially the last one, omgosh.....i want to be a kid again!


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