Thursday, September 6, 2012

Whoooo's Getting Married?

Well... it's not me, but somebody has to be, right? I can only imagine, that planning a wedding must be overwhelming and involve so many decisions. It must also take a lot of research and comparing products and prices, to find exactly what you want, for a price that works for you. Well, today I just had to share something for all of you who may be looking for a unique product for your wedding stationary suite.

Last week, I heard from the lovely people over at Night Owl Paper Goods, who are getting ready to launch their brand new Wood Wedding Collection Designs on September 19th. These pieces are custom printed on sustainably-harvested birch wood, and the recycled envelopes contain 30 - 100% post-consumer waste! I mean, if you plan on taking the green route for your wedding, these products are a fabulous start - plus they are absolutely GORGEOUS!

{Amos invite in lavender}

{Annabel invite in Persimmon}

Whatever you are looking for, they can do it. Save the dates, wedding invites, reply cards, thank you notes, reception pieces, guest gifts and more. What a great way to get some really memorable pieces for your wedding!

{Hibiscus Suite}


Maybe they don't have a design that quite fits with your style or wedding theme, but you still love the idea of using wood for your wedding. No problem - Night Owl Paper Goods can also print your own design on their sustainably harvested wood as well. Incredible - I know!

{Piper invite and reply card in lavender}

I also love that all of their goods are hand made in the US. Okay, I may not be American, but just knowing that everything they do is produced right here in North America is a great feeling these days. Don't you agree? 


{Rainbow Suite}

I'm falling in love with each and every one of their designs, and it makes me wonder how anyone can pick one direction for their wedding and stick to it. Don't you brides just want to change your mind a million times with all of the beautiful options out there?

{Horizon Invite & Reply card}

Keep an eye out for these, and a bunch of other new designs, coming on September 19th, at Night Owl Paper Goods. In the mean time, why not swing by and just check out some of the other fabulous products that they offer?


  1. ummm....can I get married again just so I can use these invitations??? To the same guy of course....

  2. Well my invitations have come and gone, but I am still in the market for some thank you cards and these are super sweet!!

  3. OK, so these are just so lovely, esp. the ones for Thomas and Kevin - I love the colours (surprise, surprise!!) ;)

  4. Thanks for sharing this with us :) I love looking at stationaries for inspirations, so this is perfect for me. Fall is here! Fall wedding trends are going to be amazing this year!


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