Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our Long Weekend Getaway...

This past weekend was a long weekend here in Canada. As I previously hinted at, B and I had a little us time planned. However, before we got to that part of our weekend, we were just able to enjoy the gorgeous weather that we were finally blessed with here in Toronto. 

On Friday evening after dinner we enjoyed a walk, just the two of us, down by the lake, followed by a trip to our favorite ice cream place. They make all of their own ice cream, using no preservatives. I went for the Lemon Sour Cream and B the Maple Walnut... both delicious and a great treat. Then, on Saturday morning, we were out of bed just after 8 and headed to a great breakfast place we also recently discovered in our neighbourhood. Thanks to the warm temps and gorgeous sunshine, we were able to enjoy breakfast out on their patio...

May 21 - Around the Corner Breakfast

May 21 - Around the Corner Breakfast

We could've stayed there all day soaking up the sun, but we had some other things we needed to accomplish - so off we went to bring the dogs over to my parents house. After leaving them both there and spending some time with both my parents (including a small shopping trip with my Mom for a project we're working on at her house - details to follow), we headed back home where I did a bit of cleaning and B did a bit of this...

May 21, 2011 - tearing out the lilac tree

Yup - back garden started to get ripped apart. It's going to look worse before it looks any better. There's a lot to get done out there but we're both pleased with any small progress. We'll share more as we continue to go...

Sunday morning we were up bright and early and on the road. Yup - we took a road trip and headed down to Cleveland to take in the few sights, as well as a Red Sox and Indians game. Rather than typing everything out, I'll just share a few photos...

Our lunch stop on day 1... Grilled Cheese Heaven!

Stop #2 - A Christmas Story House

A drive by of Progressive Field on our way to our hotel...

Taking a stroll on a warm sunny, Sunday afternoon...

Dinner on Sunday night on the patio at Momocho - seriously fantastic meals and service!

A massive and delicious mexican fried ice cream! SO GOOD! Note, B using the spoon as an indication of scale haha (not bad for $6 either!)


Monday we headed to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame...

Followed by an afternoon visit to the West Side Market - so much delicious stuff on offer!

And we rounded out the trip with a night of this...




There was of course also some shopping and lots of eating of delicious food (my favorite stop of the trip was breakfast at Lucky's Cafe). It was the perfect little getaway for the two of us before two become three!

This question may be coming a little late... but what fun things did all of you get up to this past weekend?


  1. that's quite a busy and fabulous trip! so so jealous about melt! i did a post on them before...mmm, cheese!

  2. Looks like you guys had a great time!! I could have eaten that entire deep fried ice cream myself! lol

    I didn't do much... bbq with friends... went to a movie with Amanda... weeded my garden... nothing much!

  3. LOVE the hat! Cheers from Boston! My BF does not go out without his Sox/Pats gear. We got so many comments in FL for Spring Break.

  4. Kerry, this place doesn't look so bad ;) Sounds like a great trip! Did you hit up some outlet stores too!?

    And holy bananas, does that french toast look amazing!

  5. So you guys are so cute, it's always fun to get away:) I love a christmas story!! And I need that fried ice cream:)

  6. Looks like such a fun weekend getaway! Over the weekend I had my baby shower, then enjoyed lunch with a gf on Sunday -- from here on out I just plan to chill every weekend until our baby arrives

  7. fun fun fun! Looks like you had a great long weekend. Are you willing to share the breakfast place with that amazing looking french toast? yumm yumm.

  8. What a fun trip! We did a whole lot of nothing, and it was lovely haha

  9. Um, melt looks like my kind of place and that fried icecream looks delish as well!

  10. That french toast... oh my. I might fly to Toronto again to check out that breakfast!! : )


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