Thursday, July 4, 2013

Halle's Birthday Invites & Pretty Bunting

The other week I shared a little peek at the process of creating Halle's 2nd Birthday invites over on Minted. With less than 20 days until our little girl is officially 2 (cue teary eyed Mama over here), I wanted to pop back in and share our final product that I am over the moon in love with!

Halle's Birthday 2013

Halle's Birthday 2013

Halle's Birthday 2013

Halle's Birthday 2013

They turned out just as cute as I had hoped. I love the colours, quality and the thickness of the paper is fantastic. I'm so glad I opted to put the matching backer on them as well! H may be just over 14 months in the photo I used, but I love it and thought it would be perfect for the card - don't you agree?

I also ordered one of the beautiful buntings that Minted offers in their Party Decor section. Since there wasn't a bunting that matched her invites perfectly, I opted for one that would match the colours I am using for her party. What I loved most about the buntings is that you can personalize them to say whatever you want, and you can choose how you want to use the design - alternate the different fonts, or use just one. I opted for the latter option, and went for purple since most of the other decor that I have purchased so far is pink. 

July 2, 2013July 2, 2013

As far as my wording choice, I simply went with "HALLE IS TWO!". The bunting came with some string for putting the whole thing together. I can't wait to get it all set up for her big party later this month! Now it's time to start planning the party menu!

*I was given 15 printed invites, as well as the bunting, in exchange for this post (and my previous post). All opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own.


  1. Aww, those turned out so great! I can't believe she'll be TWO!!

    1. You're telling me! ;) It's crazy how quickly time has gone by!

  2. Two?! How did that happen so quickly! Love the invitation - its so happy and bubbly, just like I imagine Halle to be.

  3. Hey,

    Nice post .. Would you like to follow each other on GFC and bloglovin...!!
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