Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Teethease - A Product Review

Today the blog is switching back over to a bit more of my Mommy/Baby content. The other month I got an email from Lindsey over at Teethease. You may remember my review on her products from back in the spring. Well, Lindsey has just launched a few new fabulous pieces in her collection, and wanted to know if I wanted to try one out and write a review. Since Halle had just got her fifth tooth, and had such a hard time with it, I knew it would be great to try one out with tooth number 6 on it's way soon.

After checking out all of her fabulous new designs, I picked the Rockease Trio to give a whirl. When it arrived I loved it instantly. Even without Halle trying it out, it's such a stylish piece and I got a ton of great comments on it right away, so on the Mama front I gave it an A+ for style!


What about the most important critic though? What did Halle think? Well, the first time that I showed it to her, and let her know it was okay to chew on, she chewed on it briefly, but seemed to give up rather quickly. I thought maybe the rocks were too big for her little mouth, but the other weekend my theory was disproved.

Poor baby girl has been battling with tooth #6 for what feels like months. She'll have a period of chewing a lot, and then it will pass and this repeats frequently. A couple of weekends ago, while helping friends move, I noticed she wanted to chew on everything she could get her hands on. Thankfully, I had packed my necklace into my diaper bag, so I grabbed it and put it on and away she went, happily chewing on this cute little necklace...


I love how easy it is to bring everywhere, and she's not able to toss it on the ground when I have it around my neck. Of course, she loves it as well - it definitely seems to help soothe her sore little gums when those teeth are making their way in. 

I loved Teethease after our initial experience with them in the spring and I love their products even more now. They are perfect for busy Mom's, and their poor teething babes, and I love them as a baby shower gift. What Mama wouldn't love a pretty necklace that serves a purpose as well? 



  1. That's so great that Halle loves it that much. Maxton is working on tooth #13, I should have bought one...

  2. This is such a great invention! Looks really pretty too!

  3. That is awesome! I have a set of twins - 8 months - about to break their first tooth. One question I have - did you end up with drool all over your shirt? Both front he beads, and just having her chew on them and dripping onto you?

    1. Hi Megan! Halle isn't much of a drooler, so I have had no issues with drool all over me. The beads get a little wet, but nothing that causes a huge issue! I figure if they are droolers while teething... you may end up that way regardless of the necklace though - right? :)

  4. Why hav a teething toy when mom's necklace works best. Such a great idea!


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