Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Another Weekend Road Trip

We did it again. We snuck off this weekend for some more exploring and family time. We were up bright and early on Saturday and began our trip southwards for a weekend in Oregon. Our first stop was in Washington state where we enjoyed breakfast. We tend to plan the places we eat based on shows like Diners, Drive-In's and Dives, Man vs. Food and Eat St, and this trip was no exception, since we started off at Voula's Offshore Cafe.

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We were lucky we arrived just as they opened, because by the time we left people were starting to line up outside to wait for a table. The food was delicious, the service was fast, the staff was friendly and the whole thing was easy on the wallet - that all added up to the perfect start to our weekend. When we were finished there, it was pretty much a straight shot on down to Oregon (with only one stop to change a fussy Halle and let her stretch her legs). Our first stop there - you shouldn't be surprised to hear that was also for food. 

Our lunch destination was Cartlandia - a whole food pod dedicated to delicious food trucks (which I later learned were scattered ALL OVER Portland). We enjoyed some delicious eats from three different carts, and Halle enjoyed playing a little basketball. It was a win/win situation and the perfect opportunity for Halle to once again stretch her little legs and burn off some steam...

November 10, 2012

November 10, 2012

Then again, she really didn't need to burn off too much steam. We decided that since it was still before check in time, we'd make another stop before heading to the hotel. Where to? The Portland Children's Museum. I've been dying to bring her to one, and when I read about the one in Portland I knew this was our chance. So - what did Halle think about the experience? I'll let the photo's do the talking...

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{The cow outside the Museum . Playing with the "Pups" at the Animal Hospital}
{Looking at the fish with Daddy . Playing on the wobbly bed}

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{The toddler slide was a hit . Looking through the plexiglass holes in the tree house}

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{This giant lite-bright was the biggest hit of the day... for all of us}

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{Driving the ambulance . Driving the bus}
{Playing trains . Digging in the "dig pit" with Daddy}

Yup! It was a BUSY day and I think Halle really, really enjoyed it. The next best part of the day for me? When we headed to "The Pie Spot" that evening. I'd seen them on "Eat St" and begged B to visit when we were in Portland. I even went so far as to state if we ate dessert there - it would be the only dessert I wanted. Let me tell you, it was well worth it. I will forever think about their delicious Lemon Vanilla Bean hand pie - like my own personal lemon meringue. Heaven! (Yes, I wish I had photos but we just DUG IN).

Sunday we spent at the outlets and a few other places just getting on shopping on. How could we not when Oregon has 0% retail tax. Love that! Halle loved lunch where she would dump all of the crayons out of the cup and then put them back in. In between B was often found collecting all of the crayons off the floor...


After all our shopping, we badly needed to refuel, so we headed back to a place right next to The Pie Spot that we had eyed up the previous night, called 24th and Meatballs. YUM! The food was fantastic and the place was empty (everyone else was getting their food to go), so it turned into the perfect dining experience for us. Halle walked around the table (mostly watching the boys in the back of the restaurant) and running over to me whenever she wanted another bite of pasta. It was all so good and exactly what we needed after eating all kinds of things the last couple of days - a simple, delicious meal. Definitely recommend this place!

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The rest of the trip was just filled with more of our favourite things - cuddling, shopping (Halle will have a great Christmas), eating and colouring...



It seemed like a pretty quick trip, and we didn't see as much of the city as we had originally planned. At the end, we did accomplish what we went for - we got a lot of Christmas shopping done (especially for Halle). I'd like to go back and visit in the warmer months, and next time Voodoo Donuts will definitely be on our list.

Have you been doing any travelling or planning trips recently? I'd love to hear what everyone else has been up to recently!

1 comment

  1. What a great getaway! love that you are exploring your new "area" and beyond!! Looks like a great weekend.


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