Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking Back

Here we are, on the cusp of another new year! 2013 seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye, and what a tremendous year it was for our little family!

2013 Collage

For a year that was so exciting, I actually had the fewest blog posts ever. In my mind, I'd like to think it's because I spent a lot of time enjoying all of these wondrous moments that we shared together.

We of course bought a new house in the spring, making our move to the west coast more permanent! It was the best choice we could've made. We all love our new house and have been busy making it feel like home. Thankfully, the move also brought us all new friends who we truly enjoy spending time with! 

In July, our sweet girl turned 2! TWO! How quickly did that happen? She's turned into quite the character, spewing new words and spinning new thoughts and ideas. I love hearing the new things she says, and am astounded at what an incredible little girl she is becoming. Her heart huge, and her imagination just as big - she continues to bring us so much laugher and joy every single day!

In August, B and I were finally married! (You can read all about our wedding day here, here and here). I think everything that I wanted to say about our wedding can be found in those posts. 

Afterwards, we enjoyed the most perfect 10 days in Scotland - just the two of us! It was the best honeymoon either of us could have imagined. It took me five posts to share my favourite photos from the trip and you can find them here 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!

It's funny, every time the end of December rolls around I wonder "How could next year get any better?". I find it hard to believe that 2014 will top 2013 for us, but as usual, only time will tell what lays in store for us!

We'll be ringing in the New Year tonight family style with some great friends! Whatever you are doing, make sure you stay safe, and surround yourselves with those you love most! 
Happy New Year!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Wishing You Joy

Things have truly been silent over here! Between Christmas prep, a 2 year old who enjoys constantly testing our limits and a number of home projects, my blog has just fallen to the wayside. Though I had planned on sharing more than just Halle's room with you this week, it will have to wait a little longer. We have a kitchen reveal to share with you soon, but with everyone being so busy with the impending holiday's, I plan to leave it a little longer until I share our incredible transformation!

In the meantime, I wanted to pop in and wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and all of the best for 2014! 


2013 was such a spectacular year for us! Purchasing a new home, getting married, the perfect honeymoon in Scotland and just creating so many wonderful memories with family and friends! We are so excited over here to see what the coming year has in store for us!

I will try to drop by before we ring in the New Year, but I will make no promises! If not, enjoy your holidays, stay safe and spend the time with the one's you love the most!


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

At Long Last

They say that the third time is a charm, right? Yup, most of you probably caught the two times that this post accidentally went up a while back (you'll catch three comments down there from the first two accidental posts)! Well, here's the REAL, FINAL reveal of the wall I hand painted in Halle's room!

You may remember that when we purchased our house in the spring, Halle's room was bright pink...



We wasted no time in painting it. B actually had it all painted before we officially moved in. The walls we painted cream, and I gave the closet doors a dose of bright coral. Things were feeling fun and I was so excited to give her a fun toddler room!

Unfortunately I got a little stuck and after some shifting around of furniture to move her bed into the basement guest room, we were left with this...

Halle's Bedroom - October 2013

Halle's Bedroom - October 2013

Yup, still no curtains and the whole space was feeling very cold and empty. I had been so focused on the wedding and other endeavours previously, that Halle's room (and most of the house for that matter) got put onto the back burner. 

So, as our visitors were getting ready to leave back in October, I began searching for inspiration on ways to pretty up Halle's room on a budget. I already knew I wanted to switch the position of her dresser and shelves with her crib and canvas, and I planned on buying her some curtains using an IKEA gift card I had received for a wedding shower gift. But how could I add some fun to the space without spending anything? Finally, I found my inspiration on the Anthropologie website!

The Coppered Plume Wallpaper was gorgeous, but way out of our price range at $198 a roll. I decided to try my hand at drawing them, so to warm up I drew a few sketches one night after Halle went to bed (my most productive hours)...

Plume Sketches

The sketches had me feeling pretty confident that I could figure something out on her wall myself. So, the Wednesday after everyone left, I decided to try it out. I grabbed some metallic gold acrylic paint I had on hand, a couple of paint brushes and an old egg carton and got to work.

Painting Halle's Wall - October 2013

For my very first go, I started using pencil. I then realized that whole process would take forever, and you would probably be able to see the pencil lines through the gold paint, so I decided to freehand everything. Still time consuming, but totally worth it.


The first plume, was by no means perfect... but really none of them are. The great part is there are so many scattered across the wall and each plume allows for a little imperfection. I found as I went my technique improved quite a bit, which was good - the one's right over Halle's crib are some of my favourite's!

The whole process was still totally time consuming. In a week and half I was barely halfway done the room! I also had to get B's help to move the dresser off of the wall and move her shelves to their new home on the other side of the room so that I could make my way into the opposite corner. I finally finished everything off in here on 7th of this month, which means it took me almost a month and a half to get it all done. But here is Halle's room now...

Handpainted Plumes

I need to style her shelves with some special items, but B needs to add a few more anchors to the top shelf before I can do it. I also have some plans for her room that I want to tackle in the New Year (there is a list coming in January!). For now, I'm feeling happy with the progress, and I'm glad I finished painting before Christmas!

Handpainted Plumes

Handpainted PlumesHandpainted Plumes

Handpainted Plumes

Her room is far from finished, but I love the softness that the curtains and feather's bring to the room. A new light fixture and big girl bed/bedding are definitely in the cards for the new year! For now it's come a long way from that pink place we started with back in May...


Handpainted Plumes

Have you ever attempted paint anything by hand on your walls at home? Or maybe at somebody else's home? I'd love to hear about your experience! Leave any links in the comment section to any projects you've tackled!
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