Thursday, May 9, 2013

The BIG News Post

Well, it's obvious I've been way off with my blogging recently, and I miss it. I have just felt like I haven't had anything worth sharing, or at least nothing that I am truly passionate about. Being in a rental has put me in a huge rut. We have never been sure of how long we would be in this home or where we would be living next. That has made it hard to commit to too many projects or buying any significant pieces of furniture. We never wanted to sink too much money into a place that may be short term, especially since moving could mean going into a much smaller place again. 

Even worse, being in a rental has never let me really settle into this place. We never unpacked a lot, or got as organized as I would like because again, we never wanted to do "too much". It sucked and made me feel in a constant state of limbo. To top it all off, our landlords have not been too great at taking care of issues in this home and it has left me feeling concerned about the well-being of my little family. It's not easy living in someone else's house. So, B and I have spent a lot of time discussing what we will do, and where we will go next, and after a really busy month, we've finally made a decision.....


Yup, a new house for us to call a home. A place that is all ours and we love it. Even Halle loves it and both times we've gone to see it she runs all over the place with her hands above her head screaming like a crazy woman.

We lucked out, and the owners were already out of the property so we get possession next week. We're so thrilled to make this home a more permanent place for our family... and if you're wondering, YES, that means we'll be staying in B.C. for the foreseeable future.

We looked at a few homes that were fixer uppers, and in the end we decided that this was not the route for us this time around. We loved having a project house in Toronto, but with Halle being so busy these days and the wedding coming up quickly, it just wasn't right. Instead, we opted for a newer house that is nice just the way it is, but has a lot of builder basic finishes - so of course there is still a lot for us to change over time and we plan to put our own footprint on this place!

So please, be patient while I continue to pack and clean and get ready for the big move. I'll share a better tour soon, but here's a quick peek at the inside of the new place! It may not be our "First Home", but it's still our first NEWER home, and a whole new adventure in upgrading a space we already love...

{Walking in the front door}

{A nice office space  for blogging & Halle Handmade!}

{A big bright kitchen - it has so much potential to be SO MUCH better}

{This is our hallways LINEN CLOSET! I'm pretty excited since we have never had a linen closet and now we have THIS!}

{Halle's new bedroom definitely needs some love before we move in - don't you agree?}

Okay, so that is all I will give away for now - a little peek. Pretty great as it is, but so builder basic and I can't wait to make it our own. If you're wondering, we've already made a trip to Home Depot and picked up a clearance light fixture that we'll be adding to one of the above rooms. I'm so excited!

So are you curious? Do you have any questions about our new home, the buying process, what our plans are there - ask away and I'll do my best to answer the questions you have.

While we wait to move in, I've been trying to finish up some unfinished projects here (in-between packing, purging & cleaning) so that we don't drag them to our new home. Keep an eye out for those in the coming days!


  1. That's great news!!! Congratulations! It looks like a great home!

  2. Congrats! So happy for you guys. There is nothing worse than being unsettled. On to the next adventure. The house looks like a great family house.
    I know I have been AWOL but I am sure you understand the time demands that a little one puts on a mama and I also had some privacy concerns. Been following all my peeps silently. Just wanted you to know I am still here and silently cheering you guys on. All the best!

  3. Congrats, that's awesome! It looks like it's going to be a great house for you guys - and I totally get what you mean about living in a rental. We live in a builder basic home, and don't worry, there is still a TON of stuff that you can do to it....enough projects to keep you busy for a very long time!

  4. Yayyayyay!! So excited for you, Kerry!! The new place looks awesome!! We live in a newer house as well and don't worry, there will still be lots to do!! haha.


  5. Congrats! The house looks amazing! and it will be so much fun to personalize and make your own. I can't wait to see you put your own personal touch on it!

  6. Congrats!!! The new place looks so big and bright, no wonder Halle loves running around in it! Can't wait to see what you guys do with it :) Love from Roatan <3

  7. Congratulations! Can't wait to follow along!

  8. I'm so thrilled for you, like over the moon happy for you family! This is an amazing year for you :) I'm so happy your family will be putting down roots & you can put your personal stamp everything, yay!! Your new homes stairway is lovely, like lovely! & yay for having Head Quarters for Halle Handmade :)

    Again so happy for you! :)

  9. Congrats Kerry!!!!! That is so exciting!!! I remember when I was renting during school and it just never felt like home. I am so excited to see what you guys do with this new space! Hope everything goes well with the move! xoxo

  10. Congrats Kerry! The house looks gorgeous already! I can't wait to see how you make it all yours :-)

  11. Oh, fixer upper homes, I agree they are not young-family -with-kid friendly. This is awesome news!! Can't wait to hear all about you settling in.

  12. Woohoo!! How very exciting. Congrats, friend!!

  13. Woohoo! How very exciting :) Congrats, friend! You will make this house so usual!

  14. Congrats Kerry! That's so exciting! My guess is that your new light fixture is for Halle's room... I can't wait to read all about everything you do there!

  15. Congrats Kerry! The house has good bones and I really like the staircase. Can't wait to see you guys settle into the new house.

  16. Wow - next week!! Congratulations. I think you'll be so happy there - how did you find the buying process compared to Toronto? Crazy, or much more realistic? Are you in the same area you are in now or discovering a new area? Congrats and good luck with the move!

  17. Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you do with the new place! Does this mean you'll be selling your house in Toronto?

  18. Congrats! It's beautiful. Good luck with the move!

  19. Ah, such exciting news! Congratulations to you and your little family! I can't wait to see what you do with the space. So much potential to put your own touch to that space. Good luck packing, moving, unpacking, and settling in!

  20. Congrats! Where did you end up buying?

  21. I just read your news, congrats!! That is very exciting and I look forward to following along and see what you do with all your new space! :)


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