Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas in November

I know I haven't been around much recently. My mind has been clouded with wedding planning, and I've even started a few projects that I will share soon. I've also been getting ready for Christmas around here, sending Christmas cards, shopping, wrapping and decorating. Really, a lot of stuff I will be able to share... soon. For now, I'll share some of our Christmas that we celebrated in Massachusetts on November 25th. We decided to do this since we were all together, and B, Halle and I will be staying in BC this Christmas season. 

Sunday morning was full of wrapped gifts everywhere, and a bunch of my Halle Handmade gift tags in action...

November 25, 2012

November 25, 2012November 25, 2012

Halle got into the festive spirit and wore her brand new Christmas jammies from her Auntie Beth for the occasion...

November 25, 2012

B's Mom also had a little tiny Charlie Brown tree to decorate and Halle got involved in the fun too...

November 25, 2012

There were lots of gifts opened and we just had a great day relaxing around the house with both sets of parents. It was especially fun that Halle was really getting the hand of opening her presents. I know we'll have a ton of fun with her when Christmas Day finally rolls around.

That evening we continues a fun little tradition that we started, when B and I brought Halle to La Salette (this is where he popped the question). We made sure Halle was bundled up nice and warm (I honestly forgot how cold it gets back east in the winter... brrrrr), grabbed some hot chocolate and then soaked up all of the gorgeous lights...

November 25, 2012

November 25, 2012

November 25, 2012

November 25, 2012

November 25, 2012

November 25, 2012

That last photo was taken right after B asked me to marry him - notice me flashing my bling. We grabbed a young couple walking past and got the girl to snap this little family photo. I love it, and I'll probably have to display it at our wedding... whenever that may be!

So there you have it, just a small glimpse into how we celebrated Christmas a month early. It was just a really great time, and I'm so happy I got to see my folks before the holidays, and share the news of our engagement with them in person. We have a busy month ahead, but I'll pop in whenever I can, whenever I have something worth sharing!

What have you been up to getting ready for Christmas / The Holidays?


  1. The little Charlie Brown tree is just Halle's size, so sweet! And congratulations on the engagement (somehow I missed that post)!

  2. I love the tiny Christmas tree hehe and the last photo :) Kev and I have a photo from right after he proposed, but you guys look way better than we did haha we were camping and wearing sweatpants/sweatshirts... not cute!

  3. I'm so happy for you!! :) I adore Halle's little tree and love the gift tags, i recently blogged about them, I'm looking forward to using them year after year :)

  4. Did you just casually slip something in there about B PROPOSING? Or did I miss a post...anyway YAHOOO! Congrats you guys, that is an amazing photo, and what a wonderful way to celebrate with his family. xoxo! Lisa

  5. Hooray for early Christmas and that last photo makes me so happy! Do you find yourself constantly staring and your new sparkly finger? haha.


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