Thursday, August 5, 2010

Freshen Things Up

As I mentioned on Tuesday, we just had a long weekend, so we took Monday to tackle a few small projects around the house. Since I revealed (ages ago) that I would be moving our bedroom, into a new room and giving it a whole new look, I've been collecting pieces and ideas that will work for us. I want to try to work mainly with what we have, which meant giving a few pieces a face lift.

Enter, this little chair and my mini dress makers bust that holds all my necklaces...

There was really nothing wrong with them... except for the fact that they wouldn't fit with my master bedroom vision at all! This meant making some inexpensive changes.

As we all know, there is nothing like a fresh coat of spray paint to pretty things up. So after a quick trip to the big orange, where I grabbed an extra large can of white spray paint, I went to town. The first project that was finished was my little dress makers bust...

Doesn't it look fantastic in all of it's white glory? I tried taping off those little details on the shoulders, but they actually popped off as I was doing so. Worked well for me. When I was finished with my spray painting I used some of the "Gorilla Glue" that B had in the garage and just slapped 'em right back on. Done! I LOVE it!

The chair took a few more coats as I was covering black with white. I also used some extra material I had laying around from my final project in my Residential Materials class (Never shared that, did I?). It was a neutral denim that I had picked up at Designer Fabrics, and had to buy at least 1 yard. Glad I did, the excess came in handy!

The denim perfectly complements my Robert Allen fabric that I picked for our DIY headboard (which we have not yet started). Plus, by sticking with neutral colours, I'll be able to move the little chair to any room that I may need it in, in the future. 

So there you have it, for about $7 both my chair and my jewelry stand got a fresh new look that will look fantastic in my brand new master bedroom.... when I finally have one. I'm starting to think I dive into this one full force. These two pieces along have really inspired me.

Who doesn't love a quick, cheap and easy makeover?



  1. Love spraypaint! Works wonders eh? What kind did you use?

  2. No way! I have a chair exactly like that that I got at an antique store a couple of months ago. I have been wanting to do something with it and this is the perfect fix! Great job!

  3. Great makeovers! I love the little bust to hang your jewlery, so cute.
    Enjoy your day.


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