Wednesday, December 12, 2012

To Market, To Market

This post is a tad late, as it's about what we got up to last weekend... but better late than never, right? Well, last Friday I packed up Halle and we headed into Richmond to meet B at his head office. We shared a little bit of Christmas cheer with B's coworkers and then off we headed to the Vancouver Christmas Market. We had picked up 2 passes and 2 carousel rides for a great deal on Groupon and decided that since it was clear and mild evening, it was the perfect time to make use of them.

December 7, 2012

We arrived early enough that we were able to score a parking spot directly across the street from the entrance, had pretty much no wait in line and enjoyed some strolling around the Market before it got really crowded.

December 7, 2012

December 7, 2012

Food was a highlight for all of us. Some yummy hot potato soup, a sausage and hot apple cider to cap it all off (for me anyway). Our passes got us free entrance on another night, so we plan on going back for some of the German pasta and other tasty sounding treats (like the Apple Strudel).

December 7, 2012

December 7, 2012

As much as Halle enjoyed the food, hands down her favourite part was the carousel. She was so excited watching it go around and around while we waited in line...

December 7, 2012

Her excitement quickly turned to uncertainty when we got on and B sat her on one of the horses...

December 7, 2012December 7, 2012

By the end, she was loving it though. It was pretty obvious that she did not want to get off when the ride was over. Something tells me we'll be buying tickets to ride it again when we make our return visit.

December 7, 2012

December 7, 2012

It seemed like we were there a long time, but by the time the crowds started to swell, and we were ready to leave, we'd only been there just over an hour. In that short time though, I'd say we soaked up a whole lot of quality family time and really enjoyed ourselves...

December 7, 2012

What type of fun Holiday outings have you been up to? Christmas Markets? Parades? Tree cutting? I'd love to hear about your traditions and other fun things you've been up to.


  1. Looks so fun! I wish we had something similar in Halifax!

  2. What a great evening! Her little face is so cute :)

  3. We're really happy that your family dropped by. This is definitely one of my favourite blog posts to read. Especially the photos of Halle they're so adorable. We're really looking forward to having you back at the Vancouver Christmas Market. If you come on Saturday December 15th between 11:30am-12pm it's actually free if you say "sing a long." We're trying to create Vancouver largest caroling group that day! Merry Christmas to you and all your wonderful readers!


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