Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Confession...

I have something to admit. Last Friday was my first time EVER setting foot inside of Anthropologie. Yup... first time EVER! It's not that I was avoiding it, I just had never made it to one... even though there is one about a 10 minute walk from my office. Well, let me tell you - I now know what I was missing out on. I could spend an entire day in that store just walking around admiring everything. Okay, so I know I'm probably the last person on the face of the planet to visit so I'll stop gushing and move onto sharing a few of the pieces I fell in love with on Friday.

I immediately fell in love with this Hello Goodbye door knob. I thought they were so sweet and would love them in our house... but couldn't think of the right room. Plus... the $55 price tag wasn't doing it for me right now.
My friend Kim, who I had been out shopping with, spotted these adorable measuring cups. They were so sweet! Couldn't imagine shelling out what they were asking for right now... and I can't imagine B would be too happy about me bringing them home. We already have a ton of mugs...
This peacock plate was gorgeous and I thought would be a great piece of artwork to hang in our kitchen. Only $24 - so I considered grabbing one... but with a couple birthday's and a baby shower coming up quickly, there isn't a whole lot of money in my budget for personal purchases... but I'll keep it in mind!

I thought that this little knob was just adorable... there isn't much else to say except I love it!

Just a few pieces for now - as I said, I loved everything. I hope to be blogging more soon, there has just been a lot on my plate recently outside of blog land, keeping me busy day and night. Lots of little projects happening, and hopefully some significant basement progress soon that I can update!

1 comment

  1. It's SO expensive for the quality. I don't really dig, though I'll probably end up buying something from there at some point because that's me -- I complain about something and eventually give in. Hah.


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