Monday, June 14, 2010

Scotts EcoSense Weed B Gon - Product Review

If you are from Toronto, or the area, you are familiar with the bylaw against using particular pesticides. Or, on a broader scale, you are also probably aware of the provincial ban which supersedes all municipal bylaws in Ontario. Of course, with bylaws aside, it is not always easy to get a beautiful lawn and be kind to the environment all at the same time. In our case, I was feeling especially hopeless, as the state of our backyard was beyond embarrassing.

Here's the disaster in early May. So. Much. Yellow. 

This is a small patch of  our disaster yard... 

Come May, I was thrilled to hear about the newest product from Scotts EcoSense, Weed B Gon. The product is advertised to "kill weeds, not lawns". The active ingredient is Iron, which apparently, when applied to the weeds in an excessive amount will cause "oxidative damage... at the cellular level". Good to know. Well, I'd finally had enough of looking at our backyard, and last Monday B went out and picked up a 2L spray bottle of Weed B Gon.

Being the thoughtful man that he is, he left the weed spraying to me as he knew I had a personal vendetta against the weeds that are choking out the grass in our yard. I was quite happy to get my "spray-on" and headed out back to see what needed to be done. According to the bottle it's as simple as spraying the weed to wet it with the brown liquid (colour comes from the high volume of iron in the solution) and then just let it do it's job. Results should appear in approximately 72 hours.

Seeing as our yard looked like a refugee camp for dandelions (and other odd weeds), I decided I would go around and spray some test weeds before I went nuts cramping my hand by spraying every individual weed out there. I got a whole lot of them, and in just a little over 48 hours I was happy to discover this is the back...

Look at how black that stupid dandelion is and how GREEN the rest of the grass is! No dead spots on the grass! It's fantastic that we've been able to find a product that is more environmentally friendly, and that will kill the horrible weeds crowding the yard, but keep our grass green and growing. If you're looking for some spot treatment for the weeds in your yard, I'd definitely recommend giving Scotts EcoSense Weed B Gon a try. I know that we'll continue to use it for all of our weed killing needs around here!

I'm thrilled... I guess now it's time to get out there and tackle the rest of them. Look out weeds....


  1. I just sprayed this stuff on my lawn yesterday! Still waiting for it to turn black!

  2. Hooray for weed killers that actually work!

  3. @Shannon - it should work! Go back out and take a peak about 48 hours after you sprayed it... should start looking black already! I need to get back out and spray again for sure!

    @Sara... agreed! It saved my sanity! haha

  4. I heard a few nay-sayers claim that Weed B Gone was no good and usless. I kept my ears open and heard others claim that it worked. I waited for a sale at my local Big Box and bought a big jug. I sat down and read the directions (we guys normally don't do those things but I did this time) :)

    I pulled out some of the obvious easily pulled weeds and sprayed the rest. Mind you the size of the weeds were no taller than after using the lawnmower, so no 50 foot weeds to deal with. I found if you work with the product and pack a little patience that the stuff actually does work.

    My attack was a little different. I also packed a little attitude, as well as patience. I sprayed what I could see on the front and then went around back to do some there. With lots left in the tank I returned to the front and shot some more, 15 to 30 minutes later.
    I found my original app was sort of dry, so I sprayed the same area again.
    Fast forward a couple of days and yippy,they're most gone or signs of going. I'm buying a second jug today just for touch up. What I don't use this year would be a great supply for next year (being water based, keep it indoors so it won't freeze).

    Like many of you I am very cautious about some of these consumer products. However, knowing this is a Scotts product I figured they won't mess with the public.

    Thanks Scotts for a product that does what it say it does


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