Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Oh Baby!

B had to work over night last night... so he's taking a little hiatus from the blog world today. He'll be back next week with the second half of his blogging about our multi-zone heat pump. In the meantime, some fun stuff to share!

It seems like everyone we know is having babies (except us)... which we're okay with right now. We're a long way away from that actually... so we're enjoying being Aunt Kerry and Uncle B.

Two of our close friends are expecting a little boy this fall, and this past weekend I stepped forward to ask Mommy if I could help decorate the nursery. She excitedly agreed, and last night we sat down to talk, paint, colour and style.

We started too look at pictures for inspiration and this is the one we landed on.

It's pretty cute, right? Mommy was surprised at how much she loved the grey, and since Daddy paint's for a living - he may even attempt the argyle (and B stepped up to the plate if they decide to go for it). So we'll see how the walls turn out.

Now, the happy couple will be moving into a new place in less than a month. In the meantime, Mommy and I will be doing some shopping to see what we can find based on a little moodboard I created to give the two of them an idea of the colour scheme. We'll see what the furniture actually ends up being, but here is our jumping off point...
I created this using Olio Board (which I was made aware of by @amandalaird on Twitter - Thanks!). It was super easy, and I found some interesting pieces. Mommy fell in love with the hippo, so I'm on the hunt to find one for her. The rest, will have to come as we go along!

I've just recently been in love with orange for boys rooms, ever since seeing the room that Ashley Ann did for her three boys, and I think that this little man will be able to grow into this one! First shopping day is this Sunday. Looking forward to it, and can't wait to share the progress with you as we build little Baby P his new room.

What do you think of Orange for a Boy's room, or a nursery? Or are you more into traditional blue for boys and pink for girls?


  1. Thanks for that moodboard link! I've been on the hunt for a good quick one (bc i'm no photoshop pro)! Orange all the way. He'll see plenty of blue. I'm digging those monaco prints!!

  2. That room looks amazing! And I love Olio! I have a question - I have tried to share my boards on my blog before, but couldn't figure out how to do it. How did you do it?? Also, I have the teddy bear version of the hippo, which is so great by the way! The company is called Zuny - here is there website Can't wait to see the final product!

  3. Thanks for letting me know about Olioboard, Kerry. I was hoping you wouldn't need Photoshop or something, so this is perfect! And no problem on the hippo source!

  4. That is one super-classy crib. I just don't get the whole pink n blue thing - I mean, fair enough, maybe not pink for a baby boy, but blue is my favourite colour and I'm a girl... Looking forward to seeing the results, especially the awesome argyle wall!

  5. I love your ideas, I think these days anything goes in terms for babys rooms - i lvoe seeing babys rooms full of color and fun like the one your creating with your friend - I also like the posters! very cute

  6. I love orange in baby rooms, it's different and fun for them to look at.


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