So I've blogged, and I've tweeted and I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing about our bathroom vanity! Well - this is it, the end of all of that. A ran into a few little problems along the way. Stripping the vanity itself took ages! B bought some eco friendly stripper that didn't really have any fumes, but it took a long time to get all of the original top coat off. Then, once we got it off, we got a coat of oil based primer on it and a couple coats of paint. It was looking great so B and I got to work sealing it with an outdoor clear coat that would protect it from any water that dripped on it (our vanity always looks like B had a water fight after he washes his face). I got the first coat on and no problem, but once B got a second coat on, the wood grain started to show through again. SO - B sanded the whole thing down and got another two coats of paint on it. After those extra coats and some seal, it looked much better and well... I guess now all that is left to do is show you our final product (and some other wonderful details in our little bathroom...)

So what do you think?