Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Big Reveal!

So I've blogged, and I've tweeted and I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing about our bathroom vanity! Well - this is it, the end of all of that. A ran into a few little problems along the way. Stripping the vanity itself took ages! B bought some eco friendly stripper that didn't really have any fumes, but it took a long time to get all of the original top coat off. Then, once we got it off, we got a coat of oil based primer on it and a couple coats of paint. It was looking great so B and I got to work sealing it with an outdoor clear coat that would protect it from any water that dripped on it (our vanity always looks like B had a water fight after he washes his face). I got the first coat on and no problem, but once B got a second coat on, the wood grain started to show through again. SO - B sanded the whole thing down and got another two coats of paint on it. After those extra coats and some seal, it looked much better and well... I guess now all that is left to do is show you our final product (and some other wonderful details in our little bathroom...)

So what do you think?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Final Pumpkins

Halloween has come and gone. We had nowhere near as many trick or treaters as we would have liked, but we also expected very few after talking to our neighbours. We seriously waited until the last minute and found ourselves carving our pumpkins yesterday morning. B with his native american art inspired piece and myself looking for something more pretty. Well, I never came up with an idea I was happy with for my larger pumpkin, so instead ended up just working on my smaller white pumpkin that I meant to do something with for Thanksgiving. My larger pumpkin was left in it's original state sitting by the bottom step of our front porch.

Overall - nothing fancy, but was happy with how our front entrance turned out. One little boy even told B "ooooh it's SCARY" when B opened the door for him. I can happily say we both enjoyed our first Halloween in our house! Hope everyone else enjoyed their Halloween as well!

My pumpkin with the candle holder B picked out from HomeSense. The red candle we just happened to have from a gift given to B by his grandmother. Worked well on our little table!

B's pumpkin. He sent me the design he liked on Friday and I resized and printed it to fit his pumpkin. I think he did a pretty great job. If we'd had more time he could've done more detail - but I think it turned out pretty great.

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