Thursday, January 20, 2011

Perfectly Imperfect - Anne-Marie's Playroom

Today Anne-Marie from the incredibly inspiring blog, 10 Rooms is here to share her Perfectly Imperfect kid's playroom. I not only love reading Anne-Marie's blog, but also love reading the comments she leaves on my blog - they are so insightful and helpful! Let's check out Anne-Marie's space!!

Hello everyone! My name is Anne-Marie and today I am going to show you a perfectly imperfect space in my home. Thanks so much, Kerry, for inviting me to take part in this feature. We all have loads of "real" space in our homes that don't often get shown, and I really like that you are having us take a second look with less critical and more loving eyes!

This is my kids playroom. It was my office, but their playroom upstairs was twice the size and has since become and office/craft space for all of us. The kids are at the age where they really don't play with toys that much, and so this is a transitional room, in a year or two it will probably become an exercise space.

This room has no storage, so two large cupboards and an old shelf moved from our storage area into service. I would have loved charming wood cabinetry but they function really well to hide the chaos inside.

All Cam's toys are put away. He really only uses the board games now, but he wasn't ready to part with the other toys just yet :) Chloe's cupboard is rarely full! When I told her I was taking pics for a post she recruited her big sis and they set up a bratz world..complete with concert, sushi bar, pool...

There are empty picture frames on the window sill, just haven't gotten to it yet.. Chloe's best friend made the giant pic for her, and it was immediately taped to the wall!

The chalkboard and magnetic boards really need to be lowered a bit.. the slightly tacky (LOL) gallery of Mandarin pics are from bdays past - my in-laws have a tradition of meeting there for the kids birthdays. The darlings love to reminisce..

The table and chairs were a present from my parents, unfinished so I could customize them - stained one chair and that's as far as it got. Chloe said last night her white chair is her favourite! Add that to the list :) The rag rug was from Ikea about ten years ago - it lands wherever the kids do, so inexpensive and it is practically indestructible...

This wee playroom not going to compare to co-ordinated Pottery Barn spaces, but it is a fun little spot in our home. The kids have friends in almost every day, and Coco and her girlies put on fashion shows and play school, giggles galore. They seem to think it's absolutely perfect!

Thanks, Kerry for having me over today. I love your blog, its warm and lighthearted, like you!

Thanks so much Anne-Marie, for the sweet words and of course for sharing your Perfectly Imperfect space! I think this space is exactly what it should be a fun inspiring space for children full of all of their favorite toys! Plus, who doesn't love a play space where you can simply shut the door - out of sight, out of mind, right?

I have some more great bloggers Perfectly Imperfect spaces lined up for you... but if you have a space you'd like to share I'd love to hear from you too! Email me at first(dot)time(dot)fancy(at)gmail(dot)com.


  1. Great post!! And great idea for a series! Will definitely be checking out the rest of your blog :)

  2. What a fun post and my playroom is definitely perfectly imperfect too- just the way a playroom is supposed to be:) Loved seeing yours Anne-Marie- your kids are lucky to have such a fun place to play!!


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