Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Halle's Boston Tea Party - The Sweets

Well, Halle's first party has come and gone and it was a success! Despite the cold that she caught, and keeping both B and I up the night before the big day, we all did pretty well. Of course, like any party the highlight of the whole day was the abundance of sweets that were on hand. B's Mom went all out picking up all kinds of yummy treats to make a cute little sweets table. In the end, we decided to keep it all inside in the dining room, since it was an extremely hot and humid day and there was also a bit of sprinkling happening from the skies.

Even after playing with the settings on my father's camera the white balance still wasn't very true in the pictures, but I did my best to correct that. Please forgive any strange colouring in my photos.

We used mason jars for the variety of treats, and some pretty pink platters for the sugar cookies that we made. B's Mom made the cookies, I found this recipe for royal icing and then we decorated them. We still need to practice a little more on our decorating skills...

July 7, 2012

B's sister, on the other hand, needs no practice on making candy necklaces and bracelets look fancy...

July 7, 2012

July 7, 2012

I colour sorted all of the chocolates that were on hand...

July 7, 2012

And B's Mom used the batter that was left over from Halle's smash cake to make some tiny cupcakes. They looks so cute on the stand that she used.

July 7, 2012

Speaking of smash cake - Halle's little smash cake worked out wonderfully. We followed the same process that I shared with you last Thursday, but we used a Sugar Free from the box mix and bought a cream cheese icing. B did all of the slicing for me, to make sure that it was nice and straight, and when we were done stacking the layers we used bamboo skewers in the middle of the cake to hold it together and let it sit in the fridge while we went out to dinner. When we got home I iced the edges of the cake and afterwards my Father and B's Mom alternated holding the skewers with the palms of their hand and tilting the plate that the cake was on so that I could add the sprinkles. At the end of it all, the cake looked like this (Yes, the only photos I actually got of it, were the ones of Halle attempting at eating it)

July 7, 2012

July 7, 2012

One of the things I was most excited about was the big cake that we ordered, and B's Godmother purchased for us. Both myself and B's Mom loved this cake from the moment that we spotted it on Pinterest...

via pinterest

So, I called White's Bakery in Brockton, MA and described the cake to them. We opted for white cake, strawberry preserves between the layers and whipped cream instead of icing. After I told the girl on the phone what my picture looked like, we crossed our fingers and hoped for the best. So, how did they do? Well, wonderfully, really (again, my apologies for the white balance being off - how annoying, it didn't look this bad on the camera screen)...

July 7, 2012

July 7, 2012

The pink was much brighter at the bottom, and was air brushed on since we had opted for the whipped cream (which was DELICIOUS by the way). I also loved that at the top of the cake just the tips of the rosettes were slightly pink. It looks so pretty in person and had to be one of the most delicious cakes I have EVER had in my life - seriously. 

So there's the first peek of her first party. It was just so lovely and it really made all of us so happy. It really made us realize how lucky and loved we are. I'll be back tomorrow with a look at all of the pretty decorations that adorned both indoors and outdoors at B's parents home.


  1. what a sweet birthday! i love the candy necklaces, wowza!

  2. Halle looked too cute right next to her smash cake! Love everything you've done for the party and the White's Bakery cake.

  3. So cute! I love all the little details you pulled together. Those candy necklaces look so delightful and sweet! And the shots of Halle digging into her smash cake are priceless. Did she make a complete mess of it in the end?

    1. Thanks Jeanette! I wish she had made a complete mess of it! She was pretty tired and not feeling the best, so we actually had three different attempts at her trying to eat it - none of them were incredibly successful. She was pinching tiny pieces of it eating it, and on our last attempt she fed more to B than she did to herself. Such is life... there is always her Toronto party to try again! ;)

  4. Such fun details. You did a great job!! The cake is darling...so is Halle of course! :)

  5. I will have to try that bakery! Danger danger..., we live right near there!

    1. hahha I highly recommend it! They were so great and lots of people had good things to say about them. One guest brought cookies from there, but I never made it to the table to try them out! That's probably for the best though! ;)

  6. Really precious, Kerry! I can't wait to have little girl parties! I had nothing but boy parties for too long. :)

  7. Everything looks so fantastic!! Love Halle and her little smash cake, very cute and the big cake looks amazing. You guys did a great job on the cookies by the way! Happy birthday to Halle!

  8. I love all the little details, especially the candy necklaces. I love candy necklaces! Your cake for Halle is adorable and I'm super impressed with the ombré one, especially for just describing it over the phone!!

  9. Evrything looks beautifull,a love both cakes but the one that Halle is trying to eat looks so cute.
    Congratulations ,you did a good job.

    1. Thank you Lulu! :) We're very happy with how our little smash cake turned out, and thrilled it didn't cost much - considering she didn't eat a whole lot!

  10. What a darling party idea for a little girl!! Love every bit of it. Those candy necklaces do look fancy!! Girls got some talent. :) Halle is absolutely precious!

  11. I can't get over how beautiful your daughter's tea party was. You did such a wonderful job putting everything together.


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