Monday, March 15, 2010

Basement Progress (FOR REAL!)

Believe it or not - work has once again resumed in our basement! Yes my friends, we are once again in the process of completing our basement reno. The other weekend, while I was outside, spraying the doors for our kitchen pantry, B was busy working on the basement bathroom floor so we can start getting it back together again.

What, you may ask, was B doing with the floor? Well, during my little blogging hiatus last month, we weren't exactly doing nothing around the house. We spent some time down below with a cement saw and a jack hammer taking up a portion of the floor. Since we removed the old tub, we decided that this second bathroom only needed a shower stall. However, with a ceiling that was only a little taller than 6-feet, we needed to get down a bit further so people who aren't vertically challenged as I am, could comfortably shower in our second bathroom.

Putting in the shower stall also meant, that the bathroom layout would be changing - therefore, B would also have to move the drain for the toilet. So for a while there was a lot of dust, dirt and noise in our basement... and eventually, a lot more dust and concrete (43 bags to be exact). Once he was done the basement bathroom had gone from this...

To this...

Not too bad, huh? This is how our bathroom stood when I left for Ottawa last Thursday. I was, of course, beyond thrilled, when I arrived home Sunday night and found our basement looking like this:

FINALLY! WALLS! Well... almost anyway. Cement board and drywall to come still (obviously)!

Of course, there is always a bump in the road. This time, it turns out, despite our measurements and floor plans, we aren't too happy with the location of the toilet. After getting the walls framed, B had pulled out the base of the toilet we purchased (as can be seen in the last photo), as well as the sink for our vanity and placed them where they were supposed to be. This led to the unfortunate discovery that the toilet is a little too long and leaves the bathroom feeling small and squishy when placed across from the sink. This means we are currently looking at options for more compact toilets. They seem to be a little more pricey, but we know it will be well worth the investment to add a little space to our smaller second bathroom.

We also discovered that we may have to crack up the concrete around the recently relocated toilet drain. Why? So we can move it again! Good times! Despite these little blips, I am happy to see progress once again! Maybe one day, we'll even have functioning bathroom down there again! :)


  1. What fun would renovations be without these little blips to overcome? The basement is looking great. We have a very compact toilet in our bathroom - Toto Aquia II. Its dual flush and has a nice modern design. TUBS on Samor Road has a great selection of toilets.

  2. Wow! So much work.
    I'm sure you have thought about this, but just saw a "pocket door" at a friend's house and it did gave the illusion of a bigger room.

  3. Ah, the joys of small spaces. It will turn out in the end!


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